This blog attempts to solve complex (cryptic) crosswords in the Daily Nation and Saturday Nation published in Kenya.


Wednesday, April 21,2010

Daily Nation Complex Crossword Of Wednesday, April 21, 2010.Solution 9.
By Edwin Korir. Eldoret, Kenya.

A 50-50 puzzle for difficulty and enjoyment.


1a Deception by Spain at being reformed by such a good man (5,7) SAINT PATRICK
A TRICK (deception) follows an anagram (being reformed) of SPAIN AT gives a good man.

9a Issue denial about the sweet I consumed (9) REPUDIATE
A charade of RE (about), PUD (a colloquial term for a sweet, as a meal course), I and ATE a word meaning consumed definea issue denial.

10a Evidence of liquidity between banks (5) RIVER
A cryptic definition of what flows between two banks.

11a Upset, sadly, about first of exam hold-ups (6) DELAYS
An anagram (upset) of SADLY is placed around E (first of Exam) to get these hold-ups

12a Out of control, dad loses heart in winter sport (8) SKIDDING
Created by putting D(A)D without the A (loses heart) inside SKIING a winter sport to define out of contol.

13a Weaves traps, exchanging one king for another (6) SNAKES
Derived by changing the R (Rex) for a K (King) (exchanging one king for another) in SNARES a word meaning traps to define weaves.

15a One may joke about the press being taken in by hoax (8) COMEDIAN
A charade of MEDIA a general name for the press inside CON a hoax to define one may joke.

18a Surprise surrounding a gentleman in clover (8) SHAMROCK
Put SHOCK a surprise around A MR (a gentleman) to get the kind of clover.

19a Wanders around in chains (6) RANGES
A double definition, the second of which refers to hills and mountains.

21a The type of income that might endure an upset (8) UNEARNED
An anagram (upset) of ENDURE AN.

23a A 10, for example, left sounding dubious (6) LIFFEY
The answer to 10a is the definition – L(eft) followed by a homophone of a synonym for dubious gives this Irish example.

26a Information about soldiers lacking experience (5) GREEN
A charade of GEN a short word for information around RE (royal engineers)- soldiers to get a word meaning inexperience.

27a Came across one eating a sailor’s bones (9) METATARSI
A charade of MET a word meaning came across and I (one), and then insert A and TARS(sailors)to get these bones which are a problem to top England footballers as major tournaments approach.

28a Boy, ten, learns about a special place in Ireland (7,5) BLARNEY STONE
An anagram (about) of a special place in Ireland


1d Walks when street is up (7) STRIDES
A synonym for walks is a charade of ST(reet) and RIDES (up on a horse)

2d Urge to start pushing in exciting mile (5) IMPEL
Generated by putting P (start pushing) inside an anagram (exciting) of MILE to define urge.

3d Toy train initially getting whirlwind support (5,4) TEDDY BEAR
String together T (Train, initially) with a EDDY(whirlwind) and BEAR a word meaning to support to get this toy.

4d Nearly open for a drink (4) AJAR
Cryptic clue.

5d How to tie up on rocks at sea? (4,4) REEF KNOT
A cryptic definition of this means of tying two pieces of rope

6d Preserved cheese, ultimately, in its original form (5) CURED
Constructed from E (cheesE, ultimately) inside CURD the part of milk from which cheese is made.

7d Victor gets sick after a helping (8) AVAILING
V(ictor) in the NATO phonetic alphabet is followed by AILING a word meaning sick and preceded by A to get a word meaning helping.

8d State’s gone bust supporting gold (6) OREGON
This US state is an anagram (bust) of GONE after (supporting, as this is a down clue) OR the heraldic term for gold.

14d Became conscious of a trail, half-ruined (8) AWAKENED
A charade of AWAKE a trail (like the one behind a ship) and the latter half of rui(NED) to define became counscious.

16d Grows thin, as mice eat in a frenzy (9) EMACIATES
A word meaning grows very thin is an anagram (in a frenzy) of AS MICE EAT

17d One yells, starting to see powdered milk (8) SCREAMER
This person who yells comes from S (starting to See) followed by CREAMEAR (powdered milk)

18d Mused worriedly about origin of greasy spot (6) SMUDGE
An anagram (worriedly) of MUSED around G (origin of Greasy) to get a spot.

20d Broadcaster (cable) getting Horizon (7) SKYLINE
Add a LINE (cable) to Sky (boadcaster) and you get the horizon

22d Right way up (of the kidney) (5) RENAL
R(ight) is followed by LANE a country way reversed (up) to get a word meaning of the kidney

24d In favour of travel, but give it a miss (5) FORGO
A charade of FOR words meaning in favour of and GO to travel gives a synonym for to give it a miss

25d A bit of a nasty ear infection (4) STYE
A hidden answer inside (a bit of) naSTY Ear is an eye infection


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Daily Nation Complex Crossword Of Tuesday, April 20, 2010.Solution 8.

By Edwin Korir. Eldoret, Kenya.

A fairly difficult puzzle.

Across Clues

1a Prescription issued with tablets? (11) COMMANDMENT

A cryptic definition of something that was prescribed or ordered. Actually there were ten of them and they were supposedly written on tablets of stone.

9a She’s a source of pride (7) LIONESS

Another cryptic definition, this time of one of the females who produce the next generation in a group of big cats.

10a Accent embodies grand, posh language (6) TONGUE

A charade of G(rand) and U (posh, upper-class) inside (embodies) TONE (an accent or modulation of the voice) to define language.

12a Start to crash and rattle about (7) CLATTER

An all-in-one clue. The first letter (start) of Crash is followed by an anagram (about) of RATTLE.

13a Following a Labour leader’s side (7) LATERAL

Start with LATE an adjective or adverb meaning some time after (following) and add A and L the first letter (leader) of Labour to define side.

14a Right lad getting lecherous (5) RANDY

A charade of R(ight) and ANDY a lads name gives lecherous.

15a Declaration from winner taking runs as ordered (9) ASSURANCE

Constructed from ACE (winner from a serve at tennis) which contains (taking) an anagram (ordered) of RUNS AS to define declaration.

17a Person of authority seizing account (9) CHARACTER

Start with CHARTER (a formal document granting certain powers and privileges or authority) and include in it (seizing) AC(count) to get a person (in a novel or play, for example).

20a Crown in charge of subject (5) TOPIC

string together TOP a synonym for crown or apex and IC (in charge) to define subject.

22a Raised by salt I fancy, taking work (7) TOPSAIL

An anagram (fancy) of SALT I with OP (opus, work) inside.

24a Stick up job? (7) PROJECT

A double definition, a verb meaning to protrude or extend upwards (stick up) and a defined piece of work (job).

25a Socialist leader frequently showing temper (6) SOFTEN

A charade of S(ocialist) leader and OFTEN a synonym for frequently to define temper as a veb.

26a Halt progress after amber changes (7) EMBARGO

A charade of GO (progress) after an anagram (changes) of AMBER to define halt.

27a He shares drier, perhaps (11) HAIRDRESSER

An anagram (perhaps) of SHARES DRIER.

Down Clues

2d Unreasonably taking time, apparently (7) OVERTLY

Counstucted by putting OVERLY an adverb meaning unreasonably or excessively around (taking) T(ime) to define apparently.

3d Cameron, it’s put about, missing nothing criminal (9) MISCREANT

An anagram (put about) of CAMER(o)N IT’S without the O (missing nothing) gives us a criminal.

4d Brown, raised a leftie, beginning from birth (5) NATAL

Counstructed from TAN (brown) which has to be reversed (raised) followed by A and the first letter (beginning) of Leftie to define from birth.

5d Security camera put idiot in dock (7) MONITOR

A Charade of NI a word for idiot inside MOTOR a verb meaning to dock to get a device used for observing.

6d Essentially, it’s free of charge! (7) NEUTRON

A cryptic definition of an uncharged particle present in the nucleus (essentially) of an atom.

7d Shock vote for right? Opposition leader’s winning (11) ELECTROCUTE

Another charade of ELECT meaning to vote into office, R(ight), the first letter (leader) of O(pposition) and finally CUTE an adjective meaning winning or attractive to define shock as a verb.

8d Kingdom’s premier lower than cheat (6) DOMAIN

Counstructed from MAIN an adjective meaning leading or principal (premier) which follows (lower than, in a down clue) DO an informal verb for to cheat or swindle to define kingdom's.

11d Conservative leader embroiled in reshuffle row (11) ALTERCATION

Counstructed from C the initial letter (leader) of conservative inside (embroiled in) ALTERATION a reshuffle or modification to

16d Sightseers on Sunday, they take off… (9) STRIPPERS

A charade of TRIPPES people who go on an excursion (sightseers) after (on) S(unday) to get devices for removing the insulation from a flex.

18d Handled pot in the past (7) AMPHORA

A cryptic clue of an old Greek or Roman jar with two handles.

19d Plug more suitable for electrical device (7) ADAPTER

A charade of AD a short word for advertisement (plug) followed by APTER a comparative meaning more suitable, produces the sort of electrical device.

20d Time and money problem (7) TROUBLE

Put together T(ime) and ROUBLE the Russian currency (money).

21d Verse from writer on crack (6) POETRY

A charade of POE an American writer and TRY(crack) defines verse.

23d Ascetic left atop a solitary pillar’s end (5) LONER

A charade of L(eft) followed by (atop, in a down clue) ONE (a solitary) and the last letter (end) of pillaR to define ascetic.


Monday, April 19, 2010

Daily Nation Complex Crossword Of Monday, April 19, 2010.Solution 7.
By Edwin Korir. Eldoret, Kenya.

An interesting puzzle full of cryptic clues and charades.


1a Deem rent is not right, but settles (10) DETERMINES
An anagram (not right) of DEEM RENT IS defines settles.

9a Girl right at all times (4) EVER
A Word sum of EVE(Name of a girl) plusR(a single letter abbreviation for ‘right’). Defines at all times.

10a Draw stumps in an evenly contested game (5,5) CLOSE MATCH
A double definition of Draw stumps(in cricket) / an evenly contested game.

11a With a new clue I’d get the mathematician (6) EUCLID
Another anagram (new) of CLUE I’D defines a mathematician.

12a They may be of untold value (7) SECRETS
A cryptic definition.

15a Again become invalid or again become an invalid (7) RELAPSE
A cryptic definition.

16a Weapon made from spare parts (5) SPEAR
An anagram (made from … parts) of SPARE defines a weapon.

17a Coin a name for a royal governess (4) ANNA
A double definition of coin anda royal governess.

18a Old ship with a right to proceed (4) ARGO
A charade of A (‘a’), R (‘right’) and GO (a word that means proceed) defines old ship.

19a Codeword associated with Juliet (5) ROMEO
A cryptic clue and also a double definition for Codeword (In NATO phonetic alphabet, R is for Romeo) / [one who is] associated with Juliet

21a Used in making her kind of pickle? (7) GHERKIN
A hidden clue in the letter string in makinG HER KINd’ defines the whole clue! A really cryptic clue.

22a Type of magenta identification label (4-3) NAME-TAG
An anagram (type of) of MAGENTA defines a label.

24a Sign name in a dazed state (6) TRANCE
A charade of TRACE(sign as in sign of ) and N(name) defines a dazed state

27a French writer’s pseudonym (3,2,5) NOM DE PLUME
A cryptic term for pseudonym in fench.

28a Run for water (4) RACE
A double defintion of Run and water in ref. to the Cape.

29a Not ideal, so may result in ruin (10) DESOLATION
An anagram (may result in) of NOT IDEAL SO to Define ruin.


2d They may be jellied or else cooked (4) EELS
An anagram (cooked) of ELSE defines the whole answer

3d Bearing blossom in March or April (6) EASTER
A charade of E a single letter abbreviation for a compass point plus ASTER the name of a flower gives a festival that comes in March or April.

4d Chaps most upset about ticks (7) MOMENTS
Another charade of MEN A word that means ‘chaps’ is encircled by an anagram (upset) of MOST defines ticks as in hands of a clock.

5d Money the school raised (4) NOTE
A reversal of ETON the name of a famous school fetches money.

6d He plans to no good purpose (7) SCHEMER
A cryptic definition for a bad planner.

7d The demon drink? (4,6) EVIL SPIRIT
A cryptic definition on the evils of drinking.

8d Early form of rock music? Yes! (6,4) CRADLE SONG
A cyptic clue of a mother who sings to a child while rocking it to make it sleep.

12d Dispatches produce merriment on board (10) SLAUGHTERS
LAUGHTER a word for ‘merriment’ inserted in SS a an abbreviation for steamship to define dispatches as a verb.

13d Document required when handing over a vehicle (10) CONVEYANCE
A cryptic and double definition for a document required when handing over a vehicle and vehicle.

14d Club that has lofty aims (5) SPOON
A cryptic definition for a kind of golf club that is used for lofty shots.

15d It flies a welcome in the British Fleet (5) RAVEN
A charade of AVE a word that means welcome is inserted in RN an abbreviation for Royal navy to define a bird.

19d I write in red — not green (7) RIPENED
A charade of I(I),PEN a word that means write,and RED (red) to define not green i.e not raw.

20d Porridge going round at breakfast, say? (7) OATMEAL
A charade of O (‘round’), AT (at) andMEAL a word for food taken at one time (‘breakfast,say’) defines a word for porridge.

23d Little creature of high birth (6)EAGLET
A cryptic definition for the young of a bird that is born in nests on high cliffs

25d One member’s naughty children (4) IMPS
Another charade of I(one), MP a two-letter abbreviation for a Member of Parliament and S the apostrophe defines naughty children.

26d Short of ammunition (4) AMMO
A cryptic definition.