This blog attempts to solve complex (cryptic) crosswords in the Daily Nation and Saturday Nation published in Kenya.


Saturday, April 24, 2010

Daily Nation Complex Crossword Of Saturday, April 24, 2010.Solution 12.
By Edwin Korir. Eldoret, Kenya.

A charade galore!


1a Blue waste material about to be returned to tall building (10) SKYSCRAPER
A charade of SKY (Blue) , SCRAP (Waste Material) , ER (About [Re]- reversed) defines Tall Building

6a Out, say? Standing out (4) BOLD
A double definition.

9a Vehicle the lady put in pound was crushed (10) VANQUISHED
Another charade of VAN(vehicle) with SHE (Lady) inside QUID (Pound) to define crushed.

10a Cultivate land, distant meadow first (4) FARMCounstructed from FAR (Distant) + M (Meadow at first, i.e. first letter) to define cultivate land.

12a Reach hospital in slum area (6) GHETTO
Charade of reach GET TO with H (hospital) inside.

13a Hotel with lowdown on gas (8) HYDROGEN
HYDRO (Hotel) plus GEN (lowdown) gives the name of a gas that’s part of the air we breathe.

15a Thinking ill of oneself? (12) HYPOCHONDRI
ACryptic definition for someone who thinks they are unwell but in fact they are not.

18a From 10 across, foie gras or soft cheese (7,5) FROMAGE FRAIS
An anagram of FARM(10 across), FOIE and GRAS.

21a Inescapable revolutionary avoiding awkward ban for principal (8) ESPECIAL
A compound anagram(revolutionary) of inescapable without(avoiding) ban to define principal.

22a Pig and strangely one that flies (6) PIGEON
PIG and an anagram(srangely) of ONE gives the name of a bird.

24a One bird or another with bit missing (4) TERN
The “other” bird is BITTERN and if you take off BIT you get another winged wonder.

25a Amazing send-up, to us transforming (10) STUPENDOUS
An anagram (indicated by transforming) of SEND-UP TO US, gives a word meaning amazing.

26a Make officer a blockhead (4) DOLT
A charade of DO (Make), LT (Lieutenant – officer) gives another word for a numbskull.

27a Spring put in a good position (4-6) WELL-PLACED
A charade of WELL (spring) and PLACED (put)= a phrase meaning “in a good position”.


1d Wild one of magi protected Virginia (6) SAVAGE
A charade of SAGE (a wise man, one of the Magi) with VA (abbreviation for Virginia) defines wild.

2d Drew key Dan forged (6) YANKED
An anagram (forged) of KEY DAN gives a word meaning drew out.

3d Out-of-town ball? (7,5) COUNTRY DANCE
A cryptic definition that leads to a rural social gathering.

4d Nearly everything thus as well (4) ALSO
A word sum of nearly everything AL(L) plus SO(thus) gives a word meaning as well.

5d All over each point at this place (10) EVERYWHERE
Another word sum of EVERY (each) , W (point of the compass) , HERE (at this place) gives a word meaning “all over”.

7d Round with park officer at end of day in greenhouse (8) ORANGERY
A charade of O(round) , RANGER (park officer) and Y (end of day) defines somewhere to grow orange trees.

8d Frenzied evil spirit has the first clue (8) DEMONIAC
A charade of DEMON (evil spirit) and I AC (one across – the first clue).

11d Passage to Scottish island learner took was temporary (12) TRANSITIONAL
Another charade of TRANSIT (passage) + IONA (Scottish island)+ L (learner) to define temporary.

14d Claret’s served in enemy living quarters (10) FORECASTLE
An anagram (served) of CLARET’S inside FOE gives a word meaning the living quarters on a ship.

16d Pretended to be moved emotionally (8) AFFECTED
A Double definition. A word meaning both “pretended” and “moved emotionally”

17d Officer’s material not English (8) CORPORALMaterial, as in essential (CORPOREAL) minus E gives the name of an Non Commisioned officer.

19d Brave coming from Jericho without Juliet (6) HEROIC
An anagram of Jericho minus J (Juliet) gives a word meaning brave.

20d Not accustomed to being unemployed? (6) UNUSED
Double definition. A word meaning “not accustomed to” and “being unemployed”.

23d Old friend’s a gem (4) OPALO (old) and PAL (friend) gives a precious stone.

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