This blog attempts to solve complex (cryptic) crosswords in the Daily Nation and Saturday Nation published in Kenya.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Daily Nation Complex Crossword Of Tuesday, April 27, 2010.Solution 14.
By Edwin Korir. Eldoret, Kenya.

A puzzle with some real complex clues and names for places you have to be from the British isles to understand.

Across Clues

1a Reach one working on land and take a tumble? (4,1,7) COME A CROPPER
Constructed from COME a verb meaning to reach or arrive, A(one) followed by CROPPER someone who plants and harvests the land to define take a tumble.

8a Appropriate reduction in garment? (7) TROUSER
Counstructed fom TROUSERS minus S(reduction) to define a slang for appopriate.

9a Odd copper in front of us touring port (7) CURIOUS
Put CU the chemical symbol for copper and US around (touring) RIO the chief port of Brazil to make an adjective meaning odd or unusual.

11a Sword hurt girl (7) CUTLASS
A charade of CUT(hurt) and LASS(girl) to define a sword.

12a It’s a man revitalised showing endurance (7) STAMINA
An anagram (revitalised) of IT’S A MAN defines enduarance

13a Foolish writer on reflection restricted by drink (5) INEPT
Made by reversing (on reflection) PEN a writing implement inside (restricted by) IT the informal term for Italian vermouth (drink) to define foolish.

14a Cite sinner sadly with no end of cant as hypocritical (9) INSINCERE
An anagram (sadly) of CI(t)E SINNER (with the last letter of canT dropped) gives us an adjective meaning hypocritical or devious.

16a Gunners unfurled flag held by sailor in battle (9) TRAFALGAR
Put RA the abbreviation for Royal Artillery (gunners) followed by an anagram (unfurled) of FLAG all inside (held by) TAR an old nickname for a sailor to get the famous sea battle of 1805.

19a Dog given lead in park by much of Bedfordshire town (5) PLUTO
The name of Mickey Mouse’s dog is made from P the first letter (lead in) of Park followed by LUTON the name of a Bedfordshire town (famous mainly for its airport) without its final N (much of).

21a A vessel holding a lot of cereal and fruit (7) APRICOT
Put A and POT a cooking vessel around RIC(e) (a lot of cereal) to get a fruit.

23a London suburb containing university that’s well liked (7) POPULAR
A charade of POPLAR a london suburrb with U(university) inside(containing) to define well liked.

24a Second book in short sufficient as specimen (7) EXAMPLE
Start with EX the abbreviation for exodus the second book of the Old Testament and add AMPLE an adjective meaning sufficient or plentiful to get a specimen.

25a Part of serial is appearing after record and poem (7) EPISODE
A charade of EP(record), IS and ODE(poem) to define part of serial.

26a Retrospective look by the man on board, we hear, to prevent contention (4,3,5) KEEP THE PEACE
Another charade of PEEK reversed(retospective), THE and PEACE a homophone(we hear) of Piece(chess- man on board)

Down Clues

1d Time in Lancashire town largely providing laugh (7) CHORTLE
Can not understand how this works.

2d Scene with amateur in film — characterising one in unsuitable role? (7) MISCAST
Another complex charade of SC(scene??), amateur inside mist(film) to define unsuitable role.

3d A clique protecting others is impressive (9) ARRESTING
Made from A and RING a clique or group of people involved in a shared, sometimes dodgy, enterprise around (protecting) REST a word for others or those remaining.

4d Bill in residence for activity on course? (5) RACES
Put AC an abbreviation for bill or account inside RES an estate agent’s shorthand for residence to define on course.

5d Relate start of tale amid quiet time at home (7) PERTAIN
A charade of T(start of Tale) inside (amid) P(quiet-piano), ERA(time) and in(at home).

6d English test I’ve found contrary to reason? (7) EMOTIVE
Put together E(nglish),MOT an annual vehicle test and I’VE to establish (found) an adjective meaning coming from the heart rather than the head (contrary to reason).

7d Son traced kit worn as staple resource (5-2-5) STOCK-IN-TRADE
An anagram (worn) of SON TRACED KIT.

10d Second girl on edge about a daring sportsman? (12) SKATEBOARDER
A charade of S(econd), KATE(girl), BORDER(edge) with A inside(about) to define daring spotsman.

15d Spare chap working in rubbish site (9) SCRAPHEAP
An anagram (working) of SPARE CHAP.

17d Amount of land about to be acquired by a prison (7) ACREAGE
A charade of RE(about) inside(acquired) A and CAGE(prison)

18d A look about policeman beginning to prohibit drink for youngsters (7) ALCOPOP
A word sum of A, LO(ook), COP(policeman) and P(begening to prohibit) to define drink fo youngsters.

19d Pepper, worthless stuff put on a drink served up (7) PAPRIKA
A complex charade.

20d Lone soul surprisingly left out and set free (7) UNLOOSE
An anagram (surprisingly) of (L)ONE SOUL (with L(eft) out).

22d Some vote ethically showing effective force (5) TEETH
A hidden answer (some) in the clue is a word used figuratively to mean real power (effective force).

1 comment:

  1. For 1 Down, Chorley is a town in Lancashire, so Chorle is the town largely, with the t added for "time."
