Daily Nation Complex Crossword Of Tuesday, May 11, 2010.Solution 23.
By Edwin Korir. Eldoret, Kenya.
An entertaining puzzle.
1a Try a dip for recreation in short outing (3,4) DAY TRIP
An anagram (re-creation) of TRY A DIP.
5a Short hem catching a bit of yarn – like an old garment? (7) FRAYING
A charade of a hem is a FRING(E-short) and (catching) A and the first letter (bit) of Yarn defines like an old garment.
9a City with little change in cost – it’s naturally seen as steep? (9) PRECIPICE
Counstucted from EC (area of the City of London) and IP (1p, little change) inside PRICE (cost).
10a Recall an extended period in stadium (5) ARENA
A reversal (recall) of AN and ERA (extended period).
11a Son not working making move furtively (5) SIDLE}
A charade of S(on) and IDLE(not working) to define move furtively.
12a First sign of damaging rust most suffered – a natural hazard? (4,5) DUST STORM
A charade of D(first sign of Damaging) and an anagram (suffered) of RUST MOST to define a natural hazard.
13a Belittle tatty carpet kept by woman (9) DEPRECATE
Another charade of an anagram (tatty) of CARPERT inside DE(woman) defines belittle.
16a Wag, one appearing in pack? (5) JOKER
A cryptic definition of a playing card.
17a Shout around start of rowdy punch-up (5) BRAWL
Counstructed from BAWL(shout) around R(start of Rowdy).
18a Calm stay disrupted around college? A disaster (9) CATACLYSM
An anagram (disrupted) of CALM STAY around C(ollege).
20a Variety of Romans in a small republic (3,6) SAN MARINO
An anagram (variety) of ROMANS IN A.
23a Silent actor not performing with second poet (5) KEATS
25a Do recipe in instant (5) TRICK
A real cryptic crossword clue. The defenition is DO and is obtained from R(ecipe) inside TICK(instant).
26a Set up society for research (9) INSTITUTE
A double definition.
27a Tender gift (7) PRESENT
Another double definition.
28a Flats could be part of this in a house? (7) SCENERY
A cryptic clue.
1d Deputy does wrong and is removed from office (7) DEPOSED
A charade of DEP(uty) and an anagram (wrong) of DOES.
2d Concede return of financial investment (5) YIELD
A double definition.
3d Spell I hear sadly having relinquished power to cause agitation (5,4) RAISE HELL
An anagram (sadly) of S(p)ELL I HEAR (with the P, i.e. power, removed) produces a phrase meaning make a lot of trouble (cause agitation).
4d By the sound of it, group containing cubs maybe was nosy (5) PRIED
A homophone(by the sound of) of PRIDE(group of of lions).
5d There’s fee possibly for this newspaper? No! (9) FREESHEET
An anagram (possibly) of THERE’S FEE produces a newspaper that’s given away.
6d Collect a master and principals among school staff (5) AMASS
A charade of A, MA(master of arts) and SS(principals of School Staff).
7d Key choice when playing sport (3,6) ICE HOCKEY
An anagram (playing) of KEY CHOICE.
8d Small measure to spoil a student’s textbook? (7) GRAMMAR
A charade of GRAM(small measure) and MAR(spoil).
14d Clear connection shown around verse that’s mournful (9) PLAINTIVE
Another charade of PLAIN(clear), TIE(connection) with V(erse) inside (around).
15d This vicar upset keeper of records (9) ARCHIVIST
An anagram (upset) of THIS VICAR.
16d Raise offensive weapon and cause mayhem on road? (9) JACKKNIFE
A charade of JACK(raise) and KNIFE(offensive weapon -sometimes).
17d Sot pub’s treated roughly getting place by kerbside? (3,4) BUS STOP
An anagram (treated roughly) of SOT PUB’S.
19d Month without a set larking on railway? It can’t be explained (7) MYSTERY
A charade of M(a)Y -without A-, an anagram(larking) of set and RY(railway).
21d Section in bank leasing joint (5) ANKLE
A hidden answer(section) in bANK LEasing.
22d Feature in dry region unchanged after start of October (5) OASIS
A charade of AS IS (unchanged) after O (start of October)
24d Entertain a figure offering inspiration? (5) AMUSE
A cryptic clue.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Daily Nation Complex Crossword Of Monday, May 10, 2010.Solution 22.
By Edwin Korir. Eldoret, Kenya.
A puzzle full of Easter words.

An example of jokers in 13a.
1a Claims keen cook made traditional Easter fare (6,4) SIMNEL CAKE
10a Bert and Jack seen in church (5) ALTAR
11a Sort of roll, A-E, etc? (9) ELECTORAL
13a Jokers perhaps, conveying Easter greetings (5) CARDS
15a Gets off with a slight upset (7) ALIGHTS
17a Notice dad in study, poker-faced (7) DEADPAN
19a Got legs broken? Wooden pins provided! (7) TOGGLES
22a Puzzle concerning public transport (5) REBUS
24a Sounding completely muted, this period is actually very sacred (4,4) HOLY WEEK
27a Revolutionary development in naval firepower (3,6) GUN TURRET
29a Classic flower clings to the ear (4) STYX
30a Virtuous servant observed in 24 across (4,6) GOOD FRIDAY
1d Hands up for those wanting change (4) SWAP
2d Young producer with gin cocktail describes a mid-Lent Sunday (9) MOTHERING
3d Regretted caging a bird (5) EGRET
4d Sticks together or splits apart (7) CLEAVES
5d Got down to making a proposal? (7) KNEELED
7d The right are right less often (5) RARER
8d Paul’s and my arrangement for start of 24 across (4,6) PALM SUNDAY
9d Stakes raised for the defence (8 ) STOCKADE
14d Possibly segregates articles that may be present in April (6,4) EASTER EGGS
16d Continues to resist offers (5,3) HOLDS OUT
18d Mad, being had (9) POSSESSED
20d Half the school get zero, unusual for music (7) SCHERZO
21d Weakened the spirit, perhaps (7) DILUTED
23d Sort of girl to take to the hop at Easter? (5) BUNNY
25d He wrote music for the Internet with hesitation (5) WEBER
26d It’s purely symbolic, especially for Irish Republicans after Easter (4) LILYCant figure it out.
By Edwin Korir. Eldoret, Kenya.
A puzzle full of Easter words.

An example of jokers in 13a.
1a Claims keen cook made traditional Easter fare (6,4) SIMNEL CAKE
An anagram (cook) of CLAIMS KEEN produces a cake eaten on Easter.
6a Knock back some gin (4) TRAP
A reversal of PRAT to define gin.
10a Bert and Jack seen in church (5) ALTAR
A charade of AL(bert) and TAR(sailor)
11a Sort of roll, A-E, etc? (9) ELECTORAL
A well hidden anagram (sort) of ROLL, AE and ETC.
13a Jokers perhaps, conveying Easter greetings (5) CARDS
double definition
15a Gets off with a slight upset (7) ALIGHTS
An anagram (upset) of A SLIGHT.
17a Notice dad in study, poker-faced (7) DEADPAN
A charade of AD(notice), PA(dad) in DEN(study) defines poker-faced.
19a Got legs broken? Wooden pins provided! (7) TOGGLES
An anagram (broken) of GOT LEGS.
21a They become high when there’s more than one (4-3) DEEP-SEA
&lit clue.
22a Puzzle concerning public transport (5) REBUS
A charade of RE(concerning) and BUS(public transport).
24a Sounding completely muted, this period is actually very sacred (4,4) HOLY WEEK
A homophone of WHOLLY(completely) and WEAK(muted).
27a Revolutionary development in naval firepower (3,6) GUN TURRET
Another cryptic clue.
29a Classic flower clings to the ear (4) STYX
A homophone of STICKS defines a river(flower)
30a Virtuous servant observed in 24 across (4,6) GOOD FRIDAY
A complex charade of GOOD(virtious)and FRIDAY(robinson crusoe's servant).
1d Hands up for those wanting change (4) SWAP
A reversal (up) of PAWS(hands).
2d Young producer with gin cocktail describes a mid-Lent Sunday (9) MOTHERING
Another complex charade of MOTHER(young producer-this cryptic crossword setters are completely mad) and an anagram(cocktail) of GIN.
3d Regretted caging a bird (5) EGRET
A bird is hidden (caging) in the clue.
4d Sticks together or splits apart (7) CLEAVES
A double definition. This verb can means both sticks together and the complete opposite.
5d Got down to making a proposal? (7) KNEELED
A cryptic definetion.
7d The right are right less often (5) RARER
A funny charade of R(right) ARE and R(right).
8d Paul’s and my arrangement for start of 24 across (4,6) PALM SUNDAY
An anagram (arrangement) of PAUL’S AND MY gives the first day of 24a.
9d Stakes raised for the defence (8 ) STOCKADE
Cryptic definition.
14d Possibly segregates articles that may be present in April (6,4) EASTER EGGS
An anagram (possibly) of SEGREGATES.
16d Continues to resist offers (5,3) HOLDS OUT
A double definition.
18d Mad, being had (9) POSSESSED
Another double definition, with had meaning owned.
20d Half the school get zero, unusual for music (7) SCHERZO
A charade of SCH(half the school) and an anagram(unusual) of ZERO defines sort of music.
21d Weakened the spirit, perhaps (7) DILUTED
Cryptic definition.
23d Sort of girl to take to the hop at Easter? (5) BUNNY
Another cryptic clue?
25d He wrote music for the Internet with hesitation (5) WEBER
A charade of WEB(intrernet) and ER(hesitation) defines a composer.
26d It’s purely symbolic, especially for Irish Republicans after Easter (4) LILYCant figure it out.
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