This blog attempts to solve complex (cryptic) crosswords in the Daily Nation and Saturday Nation published in Kenya.


Wednesday, April 28,2010

Daily Nation Complex Crossword Of Wendsday, April 28, 2010.Solution 15.
By Edwin Korir. Eldoret, Kenya.

A hard puzzle to solve


1a Make fun of one backing detectives (within law) (8) RIDICULE
A word meaning to make fun of is built up by putting I (one) and DI the detectives reversed (backing) inside (within) RULE law

5a A drug smuggler with time and charm (6) AMULET
A charade of A then MULE someone who smuggles drugs and T(ime) leads to a charm

9a Plan for rejecting large pastry dishes (9) STRATAGEM
A charade of MEGA, TARTS reversed (rejecting) of words meaning (very) large and pastry dishes

11a One glows, seeing the Queen accept one of her own awards (5) EMBER
A piece of live coal or wood that glows is simply created by putting MBE an award inside ER the Queen

12a Engineers put back — try to call again (6) REDIAL
After the Royal Engineers add LAID a synonym for put, reversed, and the result is a word meaning to try to call again

13a Mysterious erotic dancing by last couple of ladies (8) ESOTERIC
An anagram (dancing) of EROTIC after (by) last couple of letters of ladiES

15a Standard allowance given to prisoner — a result of arson (13) CONFLAGRATION
A charade of FLAGS a standard, as in a military emblem, RATION and an allowance being placed after (given to) CON to define a result of arson.

18a Did this genius change, getting recognised? (13) DISTINGUISHED
An anagram (change) of DID THIS GENIUS results in a word meaning recognised

22a A salesman returns it whenever getting a drink (8) APÉRITIF
A charade of A then REP a salesman reversed (returns) followed by IT and IF (whenever) are strung together for a drink.

23a Twenty runs — one’s keeping count (6) SCORERSCORE
another word for twenty is followed by R(uns) to give the person who counts the runs, and records them

26a Clerical habit right for student in congregation (5) FROCK
To get this clerical habit put R(ight) instead of L (student) in FLOCK a congregation

27a The dark wood, for example, from such a venue (9) NIGHTCLUB
A charade this time of NIGHT the time of day when it is dark is followed by CLUB a golfer’s wood(tiger woods for example) to get a venue .

28a Go straight for soldiers’ prison record (6) REFORM
A charade of RE Royal Engineers (soldiers) and FORM a prison record.

29a A revolutionary on principal source of worry (8) HEADACHE
A charade of A and CHE(guvuera revolutionary)w (on) a HEAD chief (principal) to get a source of worry.


1d Regularly urge stringent limit (8) RESTRICT
A charade of even letters (regularly) of uRgE followed by STRICT a word meaning stringent to get limit.

2d Challenged a heartless rule adopted by theologian (5) DARED
A word meaning challenged is created by putting A and the outside letters (heartless) of RulE inside (adopted by) DD the initials that indicate a theologian

3d Boo queen’s visit? (7) CATCALL
A charade of CAT(a queen-check your dictionary) and CALL a visit defines boo.

4d Symbol of good in ladies? (4) LOGO
This symbol is created by putting G(ood) inside LOO the ladies.

6d Experts in raised shirt seams (7) MAESTRI
These experts are hidden and reversed (raised) inside shIRT SEAMs

7d ’Amaze’ in two words — and one in one’s ear (9) LABYRINTH
A double definition of ‘amaze’ in two words is ‘a maze’, and this is also part of the ear

8d Part of eastern Europe once providing most of the competition (6) THRACE
You get it by running together most of TH(E) with RACE a speed competition

10d Horses that add up and beat good odds at last (8) MUSTANGS
Constructed from SUM a word meaning to add, reversed (up), followed by TAN to beat, G(ood) and S (oddS at last) to define horses.

14d Design it? I once had concealed lighting (8) IGNITION
This lighting is concealed inside desIGN IT ONce

16d New editor on holiday drinking rum went to sleep (6,3) NODDED OFF
Counstructed from N(ew), the ED(itor) and OFF not working (on holiday) and then insert (drinking) ODD a word meaning rum, as in unusual, to get a phrasal verb meaning went to sleep

17d Move abroad supported by the French – lovely! (8) ADORABLE
An anagram (move) of ABROAD and LE the in French to get a word meaning lovely

19d Second fiddle — that’s a horrible thing! (7) STINKER
S(econd) and TINKER a synonym for to fiddle gives a horrible thing.

20d India accepted quote was provoking (7) INCITED
IND(ia) is placed around (accepted) CITE to quote to get a word meaning provoked.

21d The boss’s mistake on termination of labour (6) GAFFER
This boss, or manager, is made up from a mistake followed by (on) R (termination of labouR)

24d What might be left in dishing out rice? (5) RELIC
Created by putting L(eft) inside an anagram (dishing out) of RICE

25d Look good surrounded by Spanish cheer (4) OGLE
To look lecherously comes from G(ood) inside (surrounded by) OLE a Spanish cheer.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Daily Nation Complex Crossword Of Tuesday, April 27, 2010.Solution 14.
By Edwin Korir. Eldoret, Kenya.

A puzzle with some real complex clues and names for places you have to be from the British isles to understand.

Across Clues

1a Reach one working on land and take a tumble? (4,1,7) COME A CROPPER
Constructed from COME a verb meaning to reach or arrive, A(one) followed by CROPPER someone who plants and harvests the land to define take a tumble.

8a Appropriate reduction in garment? (7) TROUSER
Counstructed fom TROUSERS minus S(reduction) to define a slang for appopriate.

9a Odd copper in front of us touring port (7) CURIOUS
Put CU the chemical symbol for copper and US around (touring) RIO the chief port of Brazil to make an adjective meaning odd or unusual.

11a Sword hurt girl (7) CUTLASS
A charade of CUT(hurt) and LASS(girl) to define a sword.

12a It’s a man revitalised showing endurance (7) STAMINA
An anagram (revitalised) of IT’S A MAN defines enduarance

13a Foolish writer on reflection restricted by drink (5) INEPT
Made by reversing (on reflection) PEN a writing implement inside (restricted by) IT the informal term for Italian vermouth (drink) to define foolish.

14a Cite sinner sadly with no end of cant as hypocritical (9) INSINCERE
An anagram (sadly) of CI(t)E SINNER (with the last letter of canT dropped) gives us an adjective meaning hypocritical or devious.

16a Gunners unfurled flag held by sailor in battle (9) TRAFALGAR
Put RA the abbreviation for Royal Artillery (gunners) followed by an anagram (unfurled) of FLAG all inside (held by) TAR an old nickname for a sailor to get the famous sea battle of 1805.

19a Dog given lead in park by much of Bedfordshire town (5) PLUTO
The name of Mickey Mouse’s dog is made from P the first letter (lead in) of Park followed by LUTON the name of a Bedfordshire town (famous mainly for its airport) without its final N (much of).

21a A vessel holding a lot of cereal and fruit (7) APRICOT
Put A and POT a cooking vessel around RIC(e) (a lot of cereal) to get a fruit.

23a London suburb containing university that’s well liked (7) POPULAR
A charade of POPLAR a london suburrb with U(university) inside(containing) to define well liked.

24a Second book in short sufficient as specimen (7) EXAMPLE
Start with EX the abbreviation for exodus the second book of the Old Testament and add AMPLE an adjective meaning sufficient or plentiful to get a specimen.

25a Part of serial is appearing after record and poem (7) EPISODE
A charade of EP(record), IS and ODE(poem) to define part of serial.

26a Retrospective look by the man on board, we hear, to prevent contention (4,3,5) KEEP THE PEACE
Another charade of PEEK reversed(retospective), THE and PEACE a homophone(we hear) of Piece(chess- man on board)

Down Clues

1d Time in Lancashire town largely providing laugh (7) CHORTLE
Can not understand how this works.

2d Scene with amateur in film — characterising one in unsuitable role? (7) MISCAST
Another complex charade of SC(scene??), amateur inside mist(film) to define unsuitable role.

3d A clique protecting others is impressive (9) ARRESTING
Made from A and RING a clique or group of people involved in a shared, sometimes dodgy, enterprise around (protecting) REST a word for others or those remaining.

4d Bill in residence for activity on course? (5) RACES
Put AC an abbreviation for bill or account inside RES an estate agent’s shorthand for residence to define on course.

5d Relate start of tale amid quiet time at home (7) PERTAIN
A charade of T(start of Tale) inside (amid) P(quiet-piano), ERA(time) and in(at home).

6d English test I’ve found contrary to reason? (7) EMOTIVE
Put together E(nglish),MOT an annual vehicle test and I’VE to establish (found) an adjective meaning coming from the heart rather than the head (contrary to reason).

7d Son traced kit worn as staple resource (5-2-5) STOCK-IN-TRADE
An anagram (worn) of SON TRACED KIT.

10d Second girl on edge about a daring sportsman? (12) SKATEBOARDER
A charade of S(econd), KATE(girl), BORDER(edge) with A inside(about) to define daring spotsman.

15d Spare chap working in rubbish site (9) SCRAPHEAP
An anagram (working) of SPARE CHAP.

17d Amount of land about to be acquired by a prison (7) ACREAGE
A charade of RE(about) inside(acquired) A and CAGE(prison)

18d A look about policeman beginning to prohibit drink for youngsters (7) ALCOPOP
A word sum of A, LO(ook), COP(policeman) and P(begening to prohibit) to define drink fo youngsters.

19d Pepper, worthless stuff put on a drink served up (7) PAPRIKA
A complex charade.

20d Lone soul surprisingly left out and set free (7) UNLOOSE
An anagram (surprisingly) of (L)ONE SOUL (with L(eft) out).

22d Some vote ethically showing effective force (5) TEETH
A hidden answer (some) in the clue is a word used figuratively to mean real power (effective force).


Monday, April 26, 2010

Daily Nation Complex Crossword Of Monday, April 26, 2010.Solution 13.
By Edwin Korir. Eldoret, Kenya.

A top class puzzle with really interesting clues. But the award winning clue is 27d, do you know what simple as a noun means?


1a Deal involves a constraint (11) TRANSACTION

An Anagram (involves) of A CONSTRAINT to define a deal.

9a Worker right to be bitter sometimes (4) BEER

A word sum of BEE word for ‘worker’ and R a single-letter abbreviation for ‘right’.

10a Diligence with which one may seek a job (11) APPLICATION

A Double definition of diligence and with which one may seek a job

11a Commercials, we hear, for a tool (4) ADZE

A Homophone of ADS a word for ‘commercials’ defines tool.

14a Listen to a number cheer (7) HEARTEN

A word sum of HEAR a word for ‘listen’ and TEN a number defines cheer as a verb.

16a An Italian poet gives notes to be taken slowly (7) ANDANTE

A word sum of AN , DANTE the name of an Italian poet defines a musical term.

17a Perfect tone (5) SOUND

Double definition of perfect (as adjective) and tone.

18a Seems agreeable but doesn’t remain attentive (4) NODS

Double definition

19a Said to be some form of test (4) ORAL

Double definition

20a Point always cut off (5) SEVER

A word sum of S single-letter abbreviation for a compass point and EVER a word that means ‘always’

22a He’d fuel ordered, being careful (7) HEEDFUL

An anagram (ordered) of HE’D FUEL defines careful.

23a In a way, Marconi was of Latin descent (7) ROMANIC

Another anagram (in a way) of MARCONI to define of Latin descent

24a Heavy metal star player (4) LEADDouble definition

28a William’s heart makes him a pasty fellow (4-7) BILL-STICKERBill A familiar name for William , S (‘s) and TICKER a term for heart gives a person who pastes posters on any structure.

29a A point we returned to once more (4) ANEW

A word sum of A (a) + N (compass point) and WE reversed(returned) defines once more.

30a Nobody but Ed involved, that’s certain (6,5) BEYOND DOUBT

An anagram (involved) of NOBODY BUT ED defines certain.


2d Mature, so given rent and key (4) RIPE

Cant really see how this works out but the definition is mature.

3d Flower, blue and white in parts (4) NILE

Cryptic definition – Flower ( another use in the sense ‘one that flows’, that is, a river. Watch out also for winger in bird), which in this case in blue in one part and white in another.

4d A trip with passengers, we hear, makes profits (7) ACCRUES

A word sum of A and CRUISE (a homophone of “trip with passengers as aboard a ship to define makes profits.

5d Drinks to the elevation of a good man (4) TOTS

A charade of TO and TS reversal of an abbreviation for saint (“a good man”) defines drinks(not changaa because never heard of mama pima selling in tots).

6d Round and round, in a manner of speaking (7) OROTUND

A cryptic definition for circumlocution when a person beats about the bush

7d A bond, band or bind! (7,4) WEDDING RINGThe first triple definition since i started this blog. All have something to do with marriage.
8d Used for building a wind break? (6,5) BREEZE BLOCK

The cryptic definition is something that protects from a (light) wind.

12d Country’s cold in the interior – furs needed (11) CHINCHILLAS

This country's is CHINA'S with CHILL(cold) inside(in the interior) to define furs.

13d His products are really wicked (11) CANDLEMAKER

Another Cryptic definition this time with wicked meaning having a wick!

15d Book Christmas accommodation for five (5)A simple charade of NOEL(christmas) with V(five) inside(accomondating) to define book.
16d New range of emotion (5) ANGERAn anagram (new) of RANGE to define emotion.
20d Drop from reserve team (7) SUBSIDEA word sum of SUB a word (one that is a short form of a word) that means reserve and SIDE a word that means team defines drop.
21d How birds slept with toes around perch outside (7) ROOSTED An anagram of TOES in a ROD aword that means perch defines how birds slept. Exellent surface reading.
25d Vocalist the French turn to (4) ALTOA simple reversal of LA (‘the’ in French) and TO defines vocalist.
26d What one said after reflection (4) ECHOA cryptic definition of the word for what comes back or reverberates when we say something. 27d Simple heart of Father Benedict (4) HERB A hidden clue in the heart of the words FatHER Benedict! It defines simple as a noun! Top class clue.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Daily Nation Complex Crossword Of Saturday, April 24, 2010.Solution 12.
By Edwin Korir. Eldoret, Kenya.

A charade galore!


1a Blue waste material about to be returned to tall building (10) SKYSCRAPER
A charade of SKY (Blue) , SCRAP (Waste Material) , ER (About [Re]- reversed) defines Tall Building

6a Out, say? Standing out (4) BOLD
A double definition.

9a Vehicle the lady put in pound was crushed (10) VANQUISHED
Another charade of VAN(vehicle) with SHE (Lady) inside QUID (Pound) to define crushed.

10a Cultivate land, distant meadow first (4) FARMCounstructed from FAR (Distant) + M (Meadow at first, i.e. first letter) to define cultivate land.

12a Reach hospital in slum area (6) GHETTO
Charade of reach GET TO with H (hospital) inside.

13a Hotel with lowdown on gas (8) HYDROGEN
HYDRO (Hotel) plus GEN (lowdown) gives the name of a gas that’s part of the air we breathe.

15a Thinking ill of oneself? (12) HYPOCHONDRI
ACryptic definition for someone who thinks they are unwell but in fact they are not.

18a From 10 across, foie gras or soft cheese (7,5) FROMAGE FRAIS
An anagram of FARM(10 across), FOIE and GRAS.

21a Inescapable revolutionary avoiding awkward ban for principal (8) ESPECIAL
A compound anagram(revolutionary) of inescapable without(avoiding) ban to define principal.

22a Pig and strangely one that flies (6) PIGEON
PIG and an anagram(srangely) of ONE gives the name of a bird.

24a One bird or another with bit missing (4) TERN
The “other” bird is BITTERN and if you take off BIT you get another winged wonder.

25a Amazing send-up, to us transforming (10) STUPENDOUS
An anagram (indicated by transforming) of SEND-UP TO US, gives a word meaning amazing.

26a Make officer a blockhead (4) DOLT
A charade of DO (Make), LT (Lieutenant – officer) gives another word for a numbskull.

27a Spring put in a good position (4-6) WELL-PLACED
A charade of WELL (spring) and PLACED (put)= a phrase meaning “in a good position”.


1d Wild one of magi protected Virginia (6) SAVAGE
A charade of SAGE (a wise man, one of the Magi) with VA (abbreviation for Virginia) defines wild.

2d Drew key Dan forged (6) YANKED
An anagram (forged) of KEY DAN gives a word meaning drew out.

3d Out-of-town ball? (7,5) COUNTRY DANCE
A cryptic definition that leads to a rural social gathering.

4d Nearly everything thus as well (4) ALSO
A word sum of nearly everything AL(L) plus SO(thus) gives a word meaning as well.

5d All over each point at this place (10) EVERYWHERE
Another word sum of EVERY (each) , W (point of the compass) , HERE (at this place) gives a word meaning “all over”.

7d Round with park officer at end of day in greenhouse (8) ORANGERY
A charade of O(round) , RANGER (park officer) and Y (end of day) defines somewhere to grow orange trees.

8d Frenzied evil spirit has the first clue (8) DEMONIAC
A charade of DEMON (evil spirit) and I AC (one across – the first clue).

11d Passage to Scottish island learner took was temporary (12) TRANSITIONAL
Another charade of TRANSIT (passage) + IONA (Scottish island)+ L (learner) to define temporary.

14d Claret’s served in enemy living quarters (10) FORECASTLE
An anagram (served) of CLARET’S inside FOE gives a word meaning the living quarters on a ship.

16d Pretended to be moved emotionally (8) AFFECTED
A Double definition. A word meaning both “pretended” and “moved emotionally”

17d Officer’s material not English (8) CORPORALMaterial, as in essential (CORPOREAL) minus E gives the name of an Non Commisioned officer.

19d Brave coming from Jericho without Juliet (6) HEROIC
An anagram of Jericho minus J (Juliet) gives a word meaning brave.

20d Not accustomed to being unemployed? (6) UNUSED
Double definition. A word meaning “not accustomed to” and “being unemployed”.

23d Old friend’s a gem (4) OPALO (old) and PAL (friend) gives a precious stone.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Daily Nation Complex Crossword Of Friday, April 23, 2010.Solution 11.
By Edwin Korir. Eldoret, Kenya.

Across Clues

1a A verger no longer working as a servant of the Queen (8,7) GOVERNOR GENERAL
An anagram (working) of A VERGER NO LONGER gives the title of the Queen’s representative in those Commonwealth countries where she is head of state.

9a Spot decapitated snake by country house (7) SPLODGE
A charade of ASP a type of snake without its initial letter (decapitated) followed by LODGE a house in the country to define spot as in stain.

10a Gunfighter gets to carry something to muffle sound (7) EARPLUG
A charade of EARP(a gun fighter in the wild west) plus LUG(carry something heavy) defines something to muffle sound.

11a Prohibition is international, an order with little right in it (9) INTERDICT
Constructed from INT the abbreviation for international followed by EDICT a word for an order or decree with R (little right) inside to define prohibition.

12a Thus mademoiselle is given a French flower (5) SOMME
Counstructed from SO(thus) and MME to give a name of a frech river(not here that flower is a verb not a noun!)

13a Ruler’s office, for example, in which gin is kept (7) SATRAPY
for example is SAY – inside this put TRAP the name of something used to snare wild animals to get the office of the governor of an old Persian province.

15a Mocks some Parisian across the course of journey (7) DERIDES
A verb meaning mocks is constructed from DES (some in French, Parisian) around (across the course of) RIDE a word for journey.

17a Joke about female being educated prig? (7) PURITAN
A charade of PUN(joke) with RITA inside to define a prig.

19a Man doubled up having taken a plant for fodder (7) ALFALFA
ALF(mans name) is doubled followed by A to define a plant for fodder.

21a Old region offers bracing air, loosely speaking (5) OZONE
A charade of O(ld) and ZONE a synonym for region defines bracing air informally(loosely speaking).

23a Son about to get covered in mud, little creature who is wicked? (9) MISCREANT
Put S(on) and C (circa, about) inside MIE a synonym for mud and follow up with ANT a little creature (an insect normally referred to as a worker in crosswords) to get an adjective meaning wicked or unlawful.

25a Borders that may come down close to bridges? (7) FRINGES
A cryptic definition.

26a Contorted expression of unhappy star (7) GRIMACE
A charade of GRIM an adjective meaning unhappy and ACE someone who excels (star) provide a contorted expression.

27a Bottom golfer jousts with relations, one of little stature (15) RUMPELSTILTSKIN
A charade of RUMP a word for bottom or backside, ELS the surname of Ernie the South African golfer,TILTS a verb meaning jousts and, finally, KIN a word for relations to define a little stature(i saw this in a cartoon somewhere, cant really remember it.)

Down Clues

1d Travel to Sweden, getting drinks and chats (7) GOSSIPS
A charade of GO a synonym for travel, S the vehicle registration code for Sweden and SIPS a verb meaning drinks to define chats.

2d Servant giving farewell ahead of time (5) VALET
Put VALE an exclamation (from the latin) meaning farewell in front (ahead) of T(ime) to get a Jeeves-like servant.

3d Bird in reeds brat disturbed (9) REDBREAST
An anagram (disturbed) of REEDS BRAT.

4d Love to be given rest, ending with ugly fatness (7) OBESITY
A charade of O (love, as in tennis) , BE and SIT (rest)and finishing with (ugl)Y.

5d Unnamed environmentalist, old rocker given welcome (7) GREETED
Another charade of GREE(n) (environmentalist with no N(ame)) and this is followed by TED a shortened form of an old rock-and-roll fan to define given welcome.

6d Clumsy students from e.g. Durham taking road south (5) NERDS
NE(north east) part of England where Durham is, then add RD & S abbreviations for road and south defines clumsy students.

7d One in a part, kind for learner to follow (4,5) ROLE MODEL
A charade of ROLE a part played by an actor and MODEL another word for kind or sort gives us someone for a newcomer (learner) to imitate.

8d Drunk on ship when entertaining the French (7) LEGLESS
A charade of LEG(on in cricket terms), SS(steam ship) and LE inside(entertaining) defines drunk.

14d Mistake in swirling mist may bring state of fear (9) TERRORISM
Put ERROR a synonym for mistake inside an anagram (swirling) of MIST.

16d Progressive class, one restricted by all the others (9) REFORMIST
Put FORM a synonym for a school class plus I (one) inside (restricted by) REST a word meaning the remainder (all the others) to define progressive class.

17d Academic female, top lady becoming tender (7) PROFFER
Made from PROF an abbreviated academic, F(emale) and ER the initials normally used by the Queen (top lady).

18d Downfall of little girl English blokes upset (7) NEMESIS
Little girl is SIS(ter). Follow this with E(nglish) and MEN a synonym for blokes and then reverse the whole lot (upset) to get an inescapable downfall.

19d Spear, say, used in short attack (7) ASSEGAI
I consider this an all in one clue but with word play in it.Say is EG (for example) put this inside (used in) ASSAIL a verb meaning to attack short of its last letter (short) to get an iron-tipped, African spear used by shaka zulu.

20d Hunter in exploit over a very long period (7) ACTAEON
The name of a hunter in Greek mythology (who was turned into a stag and killed by his own hounds) is made from ACT a synonym for exploit or deed followed by (over, in a down clue) A and EON a major division of geological time (very long period).

22d Bird plunging into sea, gleefully (5) EAGLE
A hidden clue(plunging) in sEA GLEefully.

24d A need to give an old-fashioned expression of regret (5) ALACK
Put together A and LACK a need or want to get this old interjection denoting regret or woe.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Daily Nation Complex Crossword Of Thursday, April 22, 2010.Solution 10.
By Edwin Korir. Eldoret, Kenya.


1. Exhausted MEP’s upset relationship with leader of Denmark (7) EMPTIED
An anagram of MEP (upset) followed by TIE (relationship) and the first letter (leader) of D(enmark) is an adjective that can mean all gone.

5. Attacked son with belt next to sea (7) SLAMMED
The answer is revealed by taking S (son) and following it with LAM (belt) and then MED the shortened form of a European sea.

9. Children poorly — with this perhaps (5) CHILL
CH An abbreviation for children followed by ILL another word for being sick.

10. Opinions stick (9) CRITICISM
A double definition. Judgement or to find fault with.

11. Say — isn’t fig revolting? On the contrary (10) SATISFYING
An anagram (revolting) of SAY ISNT FIG for a word that can be the opposite of revolting.

12. Heads back for a jar (4) STUN
Reverse (back) NUTS an informal word for heads ito get a stupefying blow.

14. Running company (12) ORGANISATION
Another double definition.

18. Health laws (12) CONSTITUTION
Yet another double definition, a persons state of health, or the fundamental law of the United States for example.

21. Group of witches not cold — one might be very warm (4) OVEN
Take COVEN a term for a group of witches, then remove C (cold) and you have an enclosed heated compartment.

22. They reveal the steps to a crime (10) FOOTPRINTS
A cryptic definition? An indentation and indication that something or someone was present…

25. Joy about even 50% rise (9)
Put ELATION (joy) around VE half of (50%) even for a height.

26. Partly hurt rib entering race (5)TRIBE
A hidden word can be found in hurT RIB Entering and once found is a class or a set of people.

27. Doctor urges Ray to leave a consulting room (7) SURGERY
Take an anagram (doctor) of URGES and RAY, without (to leave) the A and you should have another word for a consulting room.

28. Distrust school of opinion about American power (7) SUSPECT
To find a word meaning that you believe someone could be guilty, put SECT a school of opinion usually associated with religion around US (American) and P (power).


1. Forgive former partner with drug when copper’s involved (6) EXCUSE
A former partner is an EX, the drug is E (ecstasy) and then put CU the chemical symbol for copper plus S in between (involved).

2. Stop in various places (6) POINTS
An anagram (various) of STOP IN produces places.

3. I will shortly use tart after cooking show (10) ILLUSTRATE
Take ILL the shortened form of I will, and then add (after) an anagram (after cooking) of USE TART and you should have a word that means to demonstrate or show clearly.

4. First of dentists starts to examine cavity as you’ve this? (5) DECAY
The first letter of dentists, and then the first (starts to) letters of examine, cavity, as and you’ve.

5. Insect — it’s dissected by one? (9) SCIENTIST
An anagram (dissected) of INSECT ITS could be a person who specialises in studying living organisms.

6. Australia is a wonderful continent (4) ASIA
An anagram of AS Australia and IS A.

7. Preserve important one in container (8) MAINTAIN
Take MAIN an adjective for important and then add A (one) inside TIN (container) and you have a word meaning preserve or keep in existence.

8. Major fifth (8) DOMINANT
Another double definition, this time prevailing, and the fifth above the tonic (from music).

13. Picks out five bars to be rewritten, with no hint of bass (10) FAVOURITES
An anagram (to be rewritten) of OUT FIVE BARS with the B removed (no hint of bass) are also persons or things that are regarded with special preference.

15. Power shown by writer — shame page is missing (9) AUTHORITY
Another word for power, comes from AUTHOR another word for writer, followed by (p)ITY, another word for shame with the P (page) removed (missing).

16. Cost rose radically for toys (8) SCOOTERS
An anagram (radically) of COST ROSE defines toys.

17. Labyrinth in which you’ll find vestibule (5,3) INNER EAR
A cryptic clue.

19. Not the same as in Luke, after translation (6) UNLIKE
An anagram (after translation) of IN LUKE is not the same as.

20. View criminal tapes implicating Conservative (6) ASPECT
Another anagram (criminal) of TAPES with (implicating) C (Conservative) is a view in a specific direction.

23. Reservoirs were very smelly, top to bottom (5) TANKS
Take STANK a word for were very smelly, and then move the first letter from the beginning (top) and place it at the end (bottom) and you should have another word for large basins or cisterns.

24. Scoffed following daughter’s engagement (4) DATE
Place ATE (scoffed) after D (daughter).