By Edwin Korir. Eldoret, Kenya.
Across Clues
1a For reflection, left a minute in pilgrimage at mausoleum (3,5)
TAJ MAHAL – there’s some fiddly wordplay here. Start with L(eft) and A (from the clue) then insert M(inute) into one of the spellings of the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca. Append AT (from the clue) and, finally, reverse the lot (for reflection).

TAJ MAHAL – there’s some fiddly wordplay here. Start with L(eft) and A (from the clue) then insert M(inute) into one of the spellings of the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca. Append AT (from the clue) and, finally, reverse the lot (for reflection).
6a River featuring during deputy’s leave (6)
DECAMP – the name of a river in East Anglia gets inserted into an abbreviation for deputy.
DECAMP – the name of a river in East Anglia gets inserted into an abbreviation for deputy.
9a Night light is unfinished, causing chaos (6)
BEDLAM – start with a night light (3,4) and drop the last letter. The usual term for the light has ‘side’ in it and Chambers doesn’t list the shortened form required here.
BEDLAM – start with a night light (3,4) and drop the last letter. The usual term for the light has ‘side’ in it and Chambers doesn’t list the shortened form required here.
10a One offering ‘A stew, sir?’, taking order (8)
WAITRESS – an anagram (taking order) of A STEW SIR. This sketch always cracks me up:
WAITRESS – an anagram (taking order) of A STEW SIR. This sketch always cracks me up:
11a Marciano cooked food from the old country? (8)
MACARONI – an anagram (cooked) of MARCIANO. Rocky Marciano, undefeated as the world heavyweight boxing champion in the 1950s, was a US citizen born to Italian immigrants.

MACARONI – an anagram (cooked) of MARCIANO. Rocky Marciano, undefeated as the world heavyweight boxing champion in the 1950s, was a US citizen born to Italian immigrants.
12a Greek man really discontented in practice? The opposite (6)
THEORY – a Greek male forename is followed by the dis-contented form of R[eall]Y.
THEORY – a Greek male forename is followed by the dis-contented form of R[eall]Y.
13a Voices rant on possibly in this (12)
CONVERSATION – an anagram (possibly) of VOICES RANT ON.
CONVERSATION – an anagram (possibly) of VOICES RANT ON.
16a In the style of a gnome? (12)
PROVERBIALLY – a cryptic definition where the setter wants to mislead us into thinking that a gnome is a small creature, whereas its meaning here is a maxim or pithy saying.
PROVERBIALLY – a cryptic definition where the setter wants to mislead us into thinking that a gnome is a small creature, whereas its meaning here is a maxim or pithy saying.
19a Actor not fully developed (6)
CALLOW – double definition, the second an adjective meaning immature or inexperienced.

CALLOW – double definition, the second an adjective meaning immature or inexperienced.
21a Current measure with hard Latin put in favoured treatise (8)
PAMPHLET – insert the abbreviation for a measure of electric current together with the abbreviations for hard and Latin into an adjective meaning favoured or cherished.
PAMPHLET – insert the abbreviation for a measure of electric current together with the abbreviations for hard and Latin into an adjective meaning favoured or cherished.
23a Transported con’s last in jail but being reformed (8)
JUBILANT – insert the last letter of [co]N into an anagram (being reformed) of JAIL BUT.
JUBILANT – insert the last letter of [co]N into an anagram (being reformed) of JAIL BUT.
24a Pass by Italian ladies missing sun (6)
IGNORE – drop the abbreviation for sun from the plural form of the Italian word for lady.
IGNORE – drop the abbreviation for sun from the plural form of the Italian word for lady.
25a Come to rest in seat with high back (6)
SETTLE – double definition, the first a verb to come to rest or plonk oneself down.
SETTLE – double definition, the first a verb to come to rest or plonk oneself down.
26a Broadcaster with kind of entertainment opening that’s over one’s head (8)
SKYLIGHT – charade of a satellite broadcaster and a type of entertainment requiring little mental effort to enjoy.
SKYLIGHT – charade of a satellite broadcaster and a type of entertainment requiring little mental effort to enjoy.
Down Clues
2d In regions, start to need stadia (6)
ARENAS – another word for regions with the starting letter of N[eed] inserted in it.
ARENAS – another word for regions with the starting letter of N[eed] inserted in it.
3d Island state engaged in formal talks (5)
MALTA – hidden (engaged) in the clue.
MALTA – hidden (engaged) in the clue.
4d One presumably not having to deal with letter? (9)
HOMEOWNER – cryptic definition of someone who doesn’t have to pay rent to a landlord.
HOMEOWNER – cryptic definition of someone who doesn’t have to pay rent to a landlord.
5d Crime world‘s wise old bird placed in criminal file (3,4)
LOW LIFE – place the name of the old bird that symbolises wisdom into an anagram (criminal) of FILE.
LOW LIFE – place the name of the old bird that symbolises wisdom into an anagram (criminal) of FILE.
A wise old owl lived in an oak,
The more he saw, the less he spoke
The less he spoke, the more he heard,
Now, wasn’t he a wise old bird?
The more he saw, the less he spoke
The less he spoke, the more he heard,
Now, wasn’t he a wise old bird?
6d Meaning of piled-up snow (5)
DRIFT – double definition, the first a meaning or general intention.
DRIFT – double definition, the first a meaning or general intention.
7d Trade in a chippy? (9)
CARPENTRY – chippy is a slang term for a specific type of tradesman so the answer is his or her trade. We’re obviously meant to think of chippy as a chip shop but the clue doesn’t really cut the mustard for me – ‘trade of a chippy’ fine, but how does ‘trade in a chippy’ work?
CARPENTRY – chippy is a slang term for a specific type of tradesman so the answer is his or her trade. We’re obviously meant to think of chippy as a chip shop but the clue doesn’t really cut the mustard for me – ‘trade of a chippy’ fine, but how does ‘trade in a chippy’ work?
8d Breakfast ingredient to expand enormously (8)
MUSHROOM – double definition, the second a verb to expand quickly or snowball.
MUSHROOM – double definition, the second a verb to expand quickly or snowball.
13d Polite composer broadcast — it’s for royalty’s benefit? (5,4)
CIVIL LIST – this is the annual sum of money provided by the taxpayer to keep our head of state in the style to which she’s become accustomed. An adjective meaning polite or courteous is followed by what sounds like (broadcast) a Hungarian composer.
CIVIL LIST – this is the annual sum of money provided by the taxpayer to keep our head of state in the style to which she’s become accustomed. An adjective meaning polite or courteous is followed by what sounds like (broadcast) a Hungarian composer.
14d Only fool wearing surprised expression — or glumness (9)
SOLEMNITY – start with an adjective meaning only or solitary then insert a fool or ninny into an expression of surprise.
SOLEMNITY – start with an adjective meaning only or solitary then insert a fool or ninny into an expression of surprise.
15d Prize honey (8)
TREASURE – double definition, the second a term of endearment.
TREASURE – double definition, the second a term of endearment.
17d Momentum one found with working of temp (American) (7)
IMPETUS – string together the Roman numeral for one, an anagram (working) of TEMP and a two-letter abbreviation for American.
IMPETUS – string together the Roman numeral for one, an anagram (working) of TEMP and a two-letter abbreviation for American.
18d Explore curved building in Kent? (6)
SEARCH – split the answer 2,4 and it could be a curved building or structure in the region of the UK where Kent is to be found.
SEARCH – split the answer 2,4 and it could be a curved building or structure in the region of the UK where Kent is to be found.
20d Make material depiction of European in part of sea (5)
WEAVE – insert the abbreviation for European into what you may see on the surface of the sea.
WEAVE – insert the abbreviation for European into what you may see on the surface of the sea.
22d Language in church in dispute (5)
HINDI – as often happens the final down clue features a hidden word.
HINDI – as often happens the final down clue features a hidden word.