By Edwin Korir. Eldoret, Kenya
Across Clues
1a Earthenware pot bishop brought into model prison? (4-3)
TOBY-JUG – insert the chess abbreviation for bishop into an adjective meaning model or miniature then add an informal word for prison.

TOBY-JUG – insert the chess abbreviation for bishop into an adjective meaning model or miniature then add an informal word for prison.
5a Policeman in charge on board tender (7)
OFFICER – put the abbreviation for ‘in charge’ inside (on board) a tender or bid.
OFFICER – put the abbreviation for ‘in charge’ inside (on board) a tender or bid.
9a Red-haired man, fine American attached to game (5)
RUFUS – the abbreviation for fine (as a category of lead pencils) and a two-letter abbreviation for American follow the abbreviation for the fifteen-a-side game (a game that I’ve no desire to discuss further after last weekend).

RUFUS – the abbreviation for fine (as a category of lead pencils) and a two-letter abbreviation for American follow the abbreviation for the fifteen-a-side game (a game that I’ve no desire to discuss further after last weekend).
10a A speech about daughter’s deep love (9)
ADORATION – A (from the clue) and a formal speech contain D(aughter).
ADORATION – A (from the clue) and a formal speech contain D(aughter).
11a Perfectly at home always? Surely not! (4,1,5)
WELL I NEVER – string together three adverbs – the first meaning perfectly or thoroughly, the second meaning at home and the last meaning always.
WELL I NEVER – string together three adverbs – the first meaning perfectly or thoroughly, the second meaning at home and the last meaning always.
12a Tooth extractor? Surgeon, at heart (4)
FANG – an extractor or ventilator is followed by the letter at the heart of surgeon.
FANG – an extractor or ventilator is followed by the letter at the heart of surgeon.
14a Greatly superior ways associated with a school principal (7,5)
STREETS AHEAD – ways or routes precede A (from the clue) and a school principal.
STREETS AHEAD – ways or routes precede A (from the clue) and a school principal.
18a Entered Miami, excitedly, before noon (4,8)
ANTE MERIDIEM – an anagram (excitedly) of ENTERED MIAMI gives us the Latin phrase which we normally use in its abbreviated form.
ANTE MERIDIEM – an anagram (excitedly) of ENTERED MIAMI gives us the Latin phrase which we normally use in its abbreviated form.
21a Character‘s parking technique (4)
PART – the abbreviation for parking followed by a technique or skill.
PART – the abbreviation for parking followed by a technique or skill.
22a Discuss flop, and don’t mince words! (4,6)
TALK TURKEY – charade of a verb to discuss and a slang term for a total flop (especially a play or film).
TALK TURKEY – charade of a verb to discuss and a slang term for a total flop (especially a play or film).
25a Wrong choice before important game (3,6)
ICE HOCKEY – an anagram (wrong) of CHOICE followed by an adjective meaning important.
ICE HOCKEY – an anagram (wrong) of CHOICE followed by an adjective meaning important.
26a Girl employed by Carolina Diamonds (5)
NADIA – a bit of Googling reveals that Carolina Diamonds was the name of a (now folded) women’s softball team based in Charlotte, North Carolina. A girl is hiding (employed by) in the name.

NADIA – a bit of Googling reveals that Carolina Diamonds was the name of a (now folded) women’s softball team based in Charlotte, North Carolina. A girl is hiding (employed by) in the name.
27a Pot volunteers drank, strangely (7)
TANKARD – the old abbreviation for our part-time soldiers is followed by an anagram (strangely) of DRANK.
TANKARD – the old abbreviation for our part-time soldiers is followed by an anagram (strangely) of DRANK.
28a Form of entertainment, Korean primarily, a Korean almost ruined (7)
KARAOKE – start with the first letter of Korean and add an anagram (ruined) of A KOREA[n].
KARAOKE – start with the first letter of Korean and add an anagram (ruined) of A KOREA[n].
Down Clues
1d Perplexed cast (6)
THROWN – double definition, the first meaning perplexed or discombobulated.
THROWN – double definition, the first meaning perplexed or discombobulated.
2d Confound the Spanish female with extremely good climbing (6)
BAFFLE – string together a Spanish definite article, the abbreviation for female and a slang word meaning extremely good. Finally reverse the lot (climbing, in a down clue).
BAFFLE – string together a Spanish definite article, the abbreviation for female and a slang word meaning extremely good. Finally reverse the lot (climbing, in a down clue).
3d Boy appearing on stage at the last moment (4,2,4)
JUST IN TIME – a boy’s name precedes a stage or period. I really dislike ‘boy’, ‘girl’, ‘man’ or ‘woman’ as part of the wordplay with no further indication as to what the name is.

JUST IN TIME – a boy’s name precedes a stage or period. I really dislike ‘boy’, ‘girl’, ‘man’ or ‘woman’ as part of the wordplay with no further indication as to what the name is.
4d Grand party, of importance (5)
GRAVE – the abbreviation for grand ($1,000) followed by a noisy party with music.
GRAVE – the abbreviation for grand ($1,000) followed by a noisy party with music.
5d So, no end to working alone (2,4,3)
ON ONE’S TOD – an anagram (working) of SO NO END TO. *** Sloan was an American jockey who rode many winners in England, leading to his name being adopted as Cockney rhyming slang for ‘own’.
ON ONE’S TOD – an anagram (working) of SO NO END TO. *** Sloan was an American jockey who rode many winners in England, leading to his name being adopted as Cockney rhyming slang for ‘own’.
6d Crescent, perhaps in decline (4)
FLAG – double definition, the first being the Turkish emblem which features a crescent.

FLAG – double definition, the first being the Turkish emblem which features a crescent.
7d Mate, ahead of meal, makes a drink (5,3)
CHINA TEA – Rhyming slang for a mate followed by an afternoon meal.
CHINA TEA – Rhyming slang for a mate followed by an afternoon meal.
8d Traitor may cause awful danger, round East End initially (8)
RENEGADE – an anagram (awful) of DANGER contains [
separately the initial letters of the words East and End] the abbreviation for East and we finish with the initial letter of End.Thanks to Jean-Luc for the correction.
RENEGADE – an anagram (awful) of DANGER contains [
13d Compelling work, original in Prado, by mature English painter (4-6)
PAGE-TURNER – the first (original) letter of Prado is followed by a verb to mature and (possibly) the most famous English painter.
PAGE-TURNER – the first (original) letter of Prado is followed by a verb to mature and (possibly) the most famous English painter.
15d Organ, stained, put aside (9)
EARMARKED – charade of a bodily organ and an adjective meaning stained or blotched.
EARMARKED – charade of a bodily organ and an adjective meaning stained or blotched.
16d Trouble concealing blemish? The opposite with cosmetics (3,5)
WAR PAINT – ‘the opposite’ tells us that instead of the wordplay being ‘trouble concealing blemish’ we have to put a skin blemish around (concealing) a verb to trouble or hurt.
WAR PAINT – ‘the opposite’ tells us that instead of the wordplay being ‘trouble concealing blemish’ we have to put a skin blemish around (concealing) a verb to trouble or hurt.
17d Political leader, one conducting operation involving centre of parties (8)
STURGEON – now that Vince Cable has lost his seat setters have adopted this lady as their stock politician. Put someone who operates in a theatre around (concealing) the central letter of parties.
STURGEON – now that Vince Cable has lost his seat setters have adopted this lady as their stock politician. Put someone who operates in a theatre around (concealing) the central letter of parties.
19d Child put in very old snowmobile (6)
SKIDOO – this is a (mainly North American) motorised sledge. It was originally a trade name (3-3) but has become adopted as a generic term. It’s not a word I knew but the wordplay is clear. Insert an informal name for a child into an adverb meaning very. Finally add O(ld).

SKIDOO – this is a (mainly North American) motorised sledge. It was originally a trade name (3-3) but has become adopted as a generic term. It’s not a word I knew but the wordplay is clear. Insert an informal name for a child into an adverb meaning very. Finally add O(ld).
20d Wicket accepting your spin (6)
GYRATE – fear not, this is nothing to do with cricket. Wicket is a small opening which contains (accepting) the abbreviation for your.
GYRATE – fear not, this is nothing to do with cricket. Wicket is a small opening which contains (accepting) the abbreviation for your.
23d Canoe up and down (5)
KAYAK – I’m sure that water sports enthusiasts will complain that the answer is not the same as a canoe but for crossword purposes it’s near enough. This one is a palindrome, i.e. it reads the same up and down, in a down clue.
KAYAK – I’m sure that water sports enthusiasts will complain that the answer is not the same as a canoe but for crossword purposes it’s near enough. This one is a palindrome, i.e. it reads the same up and down, in a down clue.
24d Rubbish a work schedule (4)
ROTA – a word for rubbish or nonsense is followed by A (from the clue).
ROTA – a word for rubbish or nonsense is followed by A (from the clue).