Daily Nation Complex Crossword Of Friday, April 23, 2010.Solution 11.
By Edwin Korir. Eldoret, Kenya.
Across Clues
1a A verger no longer working as a servant of the Queen (8,7) GOVERNOR GENERAL
An anagram (working) of A VERGER NO LONGER gives the title of the Queen’s representative in those Commonwealth countries where she is head of state.
9a Spot decapitated snake by country house (7) SPLODGE
A charade of ASP a type of snake without its initial letter (decapitated) followed by LODGE a house in the country to define spot as in stain.
10a Gunfighter gets to carry something to muffle sound (7) EARPLUG
A charade of EARP(a gun fighter in the wild west) plus LUG(carry something heavy) defines something to muffle sound.
11a Prohibition is international, an order with little right in it (9) INTERDICT
Constructed from INT the abbreviation for international followed by EDICT a word for an order or decree with R (little right) inside to define prohibition.
12a Thus mademoiselle is given a French flower (5) SOMME
Counstructed from SO(thus) and MME to give a name of a frech river(not here that flower is a verb not a noun!)
13a Ruler’s office, for example, in which gin is kept (7) SATRAPY
for example is SAY – inside this put TRAP the name of something used to snare wild animals to get the office of the governor of an old Persian province.
15a Mocks some Parisian across the course of journey (7) DERIDES
A verb meaning mocks is constructed from DES (some in French, Parisian) around (across the course of) RIDE a word for journey.
17a Joke about female being educated prig? (7) PURITAN
A charade of PUN(joke) with RITA inside to define a prig.
19a Man doubled up having taken a plant for fodder (7) ALFALFA
ALF(mans name) is doubled followed by A to define a plant for fodder.
21a Old region offers bracing air, loosely speaking (5) OZONE
A charade of O(ld) and ZONE a synonym for region defines bracing air informally(loosely speaking).
23a Son about to get covered in mud, little creature who is wicked? (9) MISCREANT
Put S(on) and C (circa, about) inside MIE a synonym for mud and follow up with ANT a little creature (an insect normally referred to as a worker in crosswords) to get an adjective meaning wicked or unlawful.
25a Borders that may come down close to bridges? (7) FRINGES
A cryptic definition.
26a Contorted expression of unhappy star (7) GRIMACE
A charade of GRIM an adjective meaning unhappy and ACE someone who excels (star) provide a contorted expression.
27a Bottom golfer jousts with relations, one of little stature (15) RUMPELSTILTSKIN
A charade of RUMP a word for bottom or backside, ELS the surname of Ernie the South African golfer,TILTS a verb meaning jousts and, finally, KIN a word for relations to define a little stature(i saw this in a cartoon somewhere, cant really remember it.)
Down Clues
1d Travel to Sweden, getting drinks and chats (7) GOSSIPS
A charade of GO a synonym for travel, S the vehicle registration code for Sweden and SIPS a verb meaning drinks to define chats.
2d Servant giving farewell ahead of time (5) VALET
Put VALE an exclamation (from the latin) meaning farewell in front (ahead) of T(ime) to get a Jeeves-like servant.
3d Bird in reeds brat disturbed (9) REDBREAST
An anagram (disturbed) of REEDS BRAT.
4d Love to be given rest, ending with ugly fatness (7) OBESITY
A charade of O (love, as in tennis) , BE and SIT (rest)and finishing with (ugl)Y.
5d Unnamed environmentalist, old rocker given welcome (7) GREETED
Another charade of GREE(n) (environmentalist with no N(ame)) and this is followed by TED a shortened form of an old rock-and-roll fan to define given welcome.
6d Clumsy students from e.g. Durham taking road south (5) NERDS
NE(north east) part of England where Durham is, then add RD & S abbreviations for road and south defines clumsy students.
7d One in a part, kind for learner to follow (4,5) ROLE MODEL
A charade of ROLE a part played by an actor and MODEL another word for kind or sort gives us someone for a newcomer (learner) to imitate.
8d Drunk on ship when entertaining the French (7) LEGLESS
A charade of LEG(on in cricket terms), SS(steam ship) and LE inside(entertaining) defines drunk.
14d Mistake in swirling mist may bring state of fear (9) TERRORISM
Put ERROR a synonym for mistake inside an anagram (swirling) of MIST.
16d Progressive class, one restricted by all the others (9) REFORMIST
Put FORM a synonym for a school class plus I (one) inside (restricted by) REST a word meaning the remainder (all the others) to define progressive class.
17d Academic female, top lady becoming tender (7) PROFFER
Made from PROF an abbreviated academic, F(emale) and ER the initials normally used by the Queen (top lady).
18d Downfall of little girl English blokes upset (7) NEMESIS
Little girl is SIS(ter). Follow this with E(nglish) and MEN a synonym for blokes and then reverse the whole lot (upset) to get an inescapable downfall.
19d Spear, say, used in short attack (7) ASSEGAI
I consider this an all in one clue but with word play in it.Say is EG (for example) put this inside (used in) ASSAIL a verb meaning to attack short of its last letter (short) to get an iron-tipped, African spear used by shaka zulu.
20d Hunter in exploit over a very long period (7) ACTAEON
The name of a hunter in Greek mythology (who was turned into a stag and killed by his own hounds) is made from ACT a synonym for exploit or deed followed by (over, in a down clue) A and EON a major division of geological time (very long period).
22d Bird plunging into sea, gleefully (5) EAGLE
A hidden clue(plunging) in sEA GLEefully.
24d A need to give an old-fashioned expression of regret (5) ALACK
Put together A and LACK a need or want to get this old interjection denoting regret or woe.
By Edwin Korir. Eldoret, Kenya.
Across Clues
1a A verger no longer working as a servant of the Queen (8,7) GOVERNOR GENERAL
An anagram (working) of A VERGER NO LONGER gives the title of the Queen’s representative in those Commonwealth countries where she is head of state.
9a Spot decapitated snake by country house (7) SPLODGE
A charade of ASP a type of snake without its initial letter (decapitated) followed by LODGE a house in the country to define spot as in stain.
10a Gunfighter gets to carry something to muffle sound (7) EARPLUG
A charade of EARP(a gun fighter in the wild west) plus LUG(carry something heavy) defines something to muffle sound.
11a Prohibition is international, an order with little right in it (9) INTERDICT
Constructed from INT the abbreviation for international followed by EDICT a word for an order or decree with R (little right) inside to define prohibition.
12a Thus mademoiselle is given a French flower (5) SOMME
Counstructed from SO(thus) and MME to give a name of a frech river(not here that flower is a verb not a noun!)
13a Ruler’s office, for example, in which gin is kept (7) SATRAPY
for example is SAY – inside this put TRAP the name of something used to snare wild animals to get the office of the governor of an old Persian province.
15a Mocks some Parisian across the course of journey (7) DERIDES
A verb meaning mocks is constructed from DES (some in French, Parisian) around (across the course of) RIDE a word for journey.
17a Joke about female being educated prig? (7) PURITAN
A charade of PUN(joke) with RITA inside to define a prig.
19a Man doubled up having taken a plant for fodder (7) ALFALFA
ALF(mans name) is doubled followed by A to define a plant for fodder.
21a Old region offers bracing air, loosely speaking (5) OZONE
A charade of O(ld) and ZONE a synonym for region defines bracing air informally(loosely speaking).
23a Son about to get covered in mud, little creature who is wicked? (9) MISCREANT
Put S(on) and C (circa, about) inside MIE a synonym for mud and follow up with ANT a little creature (an insect normally referred to as a worker in crosswords) to get an adjective meaning wicked or unlawful.
25a Borders that may come down close to bridges? (7) FRINGES
A cryptic definition.
26a Contorted expression of unhappy star (7) GRIMACE
A charade of GRIM an adjective meaning unhappy and ACE someone who excels (star) provide a contorted expression.
27a Bottom golfer jousts with relations, one of little stature (15) RUMPELSTILTSKIN
A charade of RUMP a word for bottom or backside, ELS the surname of Ernie the South African golfer,TILTS a verb meaning jousts and, finally, KIN a word for relations to define a little stature(i saw this in a cartoon somewhere, cant really remember it.)
Down Clues
1d Travel to Sweden, getting drinks and chats (7) GOSSIPS
A charade of GO a synonym for travel, S the vehicle registration code for Sweden and SIPS a verb meaning drinks to define chats.
2d Servant giving farewell ahead of time (5) VALET
Put VALE an exclamation (from the latin) meaning farewell in front (ahead) of T(ime) to get a Jeeves-like servant.
3d Bird in reeds brat disturbed (9) REDBREAST
An anagram (disturbed) of REEDS BRAT.
4d Love to be given rest, ending with ugly fatness (7) OBESITY
A charade of O (love, as in tennis) , BE and SIT (rest)and finishing with (ugl)Y.
5d Unnamed environmentalist, old rocker given welcome (7) GREETED
Another charade of GREE(n) (environmentalist with no N(ame)) and this is followed by TED a shortened form of an old rock-and-roll fan to define given welcome.
6d Clumsy students from e.g. Durham taking road south (5) NERDS
NE(north east) part of England where Durham is, then add RD & S abbreviations for road and south defines clumsy students.
7d One in a part, kind for learner to follow (4,5) ROLE MODEL
A charade of ROLE a part played by an actor and MODEL another word for kind or sort gives us someone for a newcomer (learner) to imitate.
8d Drunk on ship when entertaining the French (7) LEGLESS
A charade of LEG(on in cricket terms), SS(steam ship) and LE inside(entertaining) defines drunk.
14d Mistake in swirling mist may bring state of fear (9) TERRORISM
Put ERROR a synonym for mistake inside an anagram (swirling) of MIST.
16d Progressive class, one restricted by all the others (9) REFORMIST
Put FORM a synonym for a school class plus I (one) inside (restricted by) REST a word meaning the remainder (all the others) to define progressive class.
17d Academic female, top lady becoming tender (7) PROFFER
Made from PROF an abbreviated academic, F(emale) and ER the initials normally used by the Queen (top lady).
18d Downfall of little girl English blokes upset (7) NEMESIS
Little girl is SIS(ter). Follow this with E(nglish) and MEN a synonym for blokes and then reverse the whole lot (upset) to get an inescapable downfall.
19d Spear, say, used in short attack (7) ASSEGAI
I consider this an all in one clue but with word play in it.Say is EG (for example) put this inside (used in) ASSAIL a verb meaning to attack short of its last letter (short) to get an iron-tipped, African spear used by shaka zulu.
20d Hunter in exploit over a very long period (7) ACTAEON
The name of a hunter in Greek mythology (who was turned into a stag and killed by his own hounds) is made from ACT a synonym for exploit or deed followed by (over, in a down clue) A and EON a major division of geological time (very long period).
22d Bird plunging into sea, gleefully (5) EAGLE
A hidden clue(plunging) in sEA GLEefully.
24d A need to give an old-fashioned expression of regret (5) ALACK
Put together A and LACK a need or want to get this old interjection denoting regret or woe.
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