A fairly straight foward puzzle but one that needs a good bit of general knowlege.
1. Hurt someone’s feelings in cricket side, by boundary (6) OFFEND
Counstructed by OFF(one side of a cricket field) and END(bounday) to define hurt someone’s feelings.
5. Advocate working on treaty (8) ATTORNEY
An anagram (working) of ON TREATY defines a Lawyer.
9. Saw nothing untoward in a Tyne and Wear town (10) WASHINGTON
Another anagram (untoward) this time of SAW NOTHING to define town. Cant really understand the tyne and wear part.
10. Host, extremely foolish to lose face (4) ARMY
Typical English clue from (b)ARMY (a group of cricket fans who follow the English cricket team when they are on tour) minus the first letter (lose face) to describe a synonym for host.
11. Faithful, a Catholic clergyman (8) ACCURATE
A charade of A C (Catholic) followed by a clergyman that usually assists a vicar is a synonym of faithful.
12. Look up to one in weird dream (6) ADMIRE
Counstructed from I (one) inside an anagram (weird) of DREAM to define admire
13. A flighty creature up to some criminal activity (2,2) AT IT
A followed by (TIT) a small songbirds defines activity.
15. Pudding poorly cooked, left by everybody ultimately (4-4) ROLY POLY
An anagram (cooked) of POORLY followed by L (left) and the last letter of (everybod)Y to define a pudding.
18. Difficulty encountered in stern on vessel (8) HARDSHIP
HARD(Stern, as in strict or severe), and SHIP a word for vessel defines difficulty.
19. I’m a male prayer leader (4) IMAM
A cryptic clue from I'M A Male but is also defined by the whole answer.
21. Outbreak of rabies in part of Europe (6) SERBIA
A simple anagram (outbreak) of RABIES is a republic in Europe.
23. A previous calculation in fathoms coaster at sea required (8) FORECAST
F(an abbreviation for fathom) is followed by an anagram of COASTER (at sea) to define another word for a prediction, often associated with the weather.
25. Refuse to have king included in embargo (4) BRAN
Put R (Rex – king) inside (BAN) another word for prohbit to define refuse as in dirt not deny!
26. Showing off gift (10) EXHIBITION
A double definition.
27. Protest about blackleg, a party member (8) DEMOCRAT
A charade of DEMO (protest), C (circa – about) and RAT (blackleg) defines an american party member of wich Obama is a member.
28. Leader of gang entering ship to delay departure (6) LINGER
Put the first (leader) letter of G(ang) inside (LINER)a large passenger carrying ship and you have another word delay depature.
2. Boy — one’s lost a Swiss coin (5) FRANC
The Swiss currency can be found by removing IS (ones) from (FRANCIS)a boys name.
3. Former partner, a stud — he could be worn out! (9) EXHAUSTED
A charade of EX (former partner) followed by an anagram (could be) of A STUD HE defines worn out.
4. Gloomy pub in Scottish town (6) DUNBAR
DUN( a gloomy colour of a horse) followed by(BAR) a word for pub or inn is a town Scotland.
5. Immediately after a hotpot, had crackers (2,3,4,2,1,3) AT THE DROP OF A HAT
An anagram (crackers) of AFTER A HOTPOT HAD for a phrase that can mean immediately.
6. A nettle waving about caught arm (8) TENTACLE
An anagram of A NETTLE (waving) about C (caught as in cricket) is the kind of arm you would find on an octopus.
7. Region supplying genuine drop of malt (5) REALM
Another word for kingdom or region can be created from REAL (genuine) and the first letter (drop of?) M(alt).
8. Dream sale excited Hugo’s girl? (9) ESMERALDA
An anagram (excited) of DREAM SALE is the French girl in Victor Hugo’s novel “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”.
14. Where a course at Oxford may take one, up to a point (2,1,6) TO A DEGREE
A cryptic definition for a phrase that means “up to a point” is also what might happen if you started a course at Oxford university.
16. European nobleman to name an Ivy League university (9) PRINCETON
Counstructed from PRINCE(son of a king or queen) followed by TO and N (name) to define a group of American universities sometimes called Ivy League that also includes Yale and Havard.
17. Bird in hot weather diving into English river (8) WHEATEAR
A charade of HEAT (hot weather) inside (diving into) WEAR (an English river) to define a bird.(Nice surface reading)
20. Ethnic, first in box in court case (6) TRIBAL
Put the first letter of B(ox) inside (TRIAL) another word for an examination by a court and you have a synonym for ethnic.
22. Writer about to leave house (5) BINGO
Reverse the writing point of a fountain pen (about) and then GO (leave) is the game you play when you shout “house!”.
24. Pitch in Oslo, perfect (5) SLOPE
A hidden word in oSLO PErfect to describe a pitch.
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