Daily Nation Complex Crossword Of Tuesday, April 20, 2010.Solution 8.
By Edwin Korir. Eldoret, Kenya.
A fairly difficult puzzle.
Across Clues
1a Prescription issued with tablets? (11) COMMANDMENT
A cryptic definition of something that was prescribed or ordered. Actually there were ten of them and they were supposedly written on tablets of stone.
9a She’s a source of pride (7) LIONESS
Another cryptic definition, this time of one of the females who produce the next generation in a group of big cats.
10a Accent embodies grand, posh language (6) TONGUE
A charade of G(rand) and U (posh, upper-class) inside (embodies) TONE (an accent or modulation of the voice) to define language.
12a Start to crash and rattle about (7) CLATTER
An all-in-one clue. The first letter (start) of Crash is followed by an anagram (about) of RATTLE.
13a Following a Labour leader’s side (7) LATERAL
Start with LATE an adjective or adverb meaning some time after (following) and add A and L the first letter (leader) of Labour to define side.
14a Right lad getting lecherous (5) RANDY
A charade of R(ight) and ANDY a lads name gives lecherous.
15a Declaration from winner taking runs as ordered (9) ASSURANCE
Constructed from ACE (winner from a serve at tennis) which contains (taking) an anagram (ordered) of RUNS AS to define declaration.
17a Person of authority seizing account (9) CHARACTER
Start with CHARTER (a formal document granting certain powers and privileges or authority) and include in it (seizing) AC(count) to get a person (in a novel or play, for example).
20a Crown in charge of subject (5) TOPIC
string together TOP a synonym for crown or apex and IC (in charge) to define subject.
22a Raised by salt I fancy, taking work (7) TOPSAIL
An anagram (fancy) of SALT I with OP (opus, work) inside.
24a Stick up job? (7) PROJECT
A double definition, a verb meaning to protrude or extend upwards (stick up) and a defined piece of work (job).
25a Socialist leader frequently showing temper (6) SOFTEN
A charade of S(ocialist) leader and OFTEN a synonym for frequently to define temper as a veb.
26a Halt progress after amber changes (7) EMBARGO
A charade of GO (progress) after an anagram (changes) of AMBER to define halt.
27a He shares drier, perhaps (11) HAIRDRESSER
An anagram (perhaps) of SHARES DRIER.
Down Clues
2d Unreasonably taking time, apparently (7) OVERTLY
Counstucted by putting OVERLY an adverb meaning unreasonably or excessively around (taking) T(ime) to define apparently.
3d Cameron, it’s put about, missing nothing criminal (9) MISCREANT
An anagram (put about) of CAMER(o)N IT’S without the O (missing nothing) gives us a criminal.
4d Brown, raised a leftie, beginning from birth (5) NATAL
Counstructed from TAN (brown) which has to be reversed (raised) followed by A and the first letter (beginning) of Leftie to define from birth.
5d Security camera put idiot in dock (7) MONITOR
A Charade of NI a word for idiot inside MOTOR a verb meaning to dock to get a device used for observing.
6d Essentially, it’s free of charge! (7) NEUTRON
A cryptic definition of an uncharged particle present in the nucleus (essentially) of an atom.
7d Shock vote for right? Opposition leader’s winning (11) ELECTROCUTE
Another charade of ELECT meaning to vote into office, R(ight), the first letter (leader) of O(pposition) and finally CUTE an adjective meaning winning or attractive to define shock as a verb.
8d Kingdom’s premier lower than cheat (6) DOMAIN
Counstructed from MAIN an adjective meaning leading or principal (premier) which follows (lower than, in a down clue) DO an informal verb for to cheat or swindle to define kingdom's.
11d Conservative leader embroiled in reshuffle row (11) ALTERCATION
Counstructed from C the initial letter (leader) of conservative inside (embroiled in) ALTERATION a reshuffle or modification to
16d Sightseers on Sunday, they take off… (9) STRIPPERS
A charade of TRIPPES people who go on an excursion (sightseers) after (on) S(unday) to get devices for removing the insulation from a flex.
18d Handled pot in the past (7) AMPHORA
A cryptic clue of an old Greek or Roman jar with two handles.
19d Plug more suitable for electrical device (7) ADAPTER
A charade of AD a short word for advertisement (plug) followed by APTER a comparative meaning more suitable, produces the sort of electrical device.
20d Time and money problem (7) TROUBLE
Put together T(ime) and ROUBLE the Russian currency (money).
21d Verse from writer on crack (6) POETRY
A charade of POE an American writer and TRY(crack) defines verse.
23d Ascetic left atop a solitary pillar’s end (5) LONER
A charade of L(eft) followed by (atop, in a down clue) ONE (a solitary) and the last letter (end) of pillaR to define ascetic.
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