This blog attempts to solve complex (cryptic) crosswords in the Daily Nation and Saturday Nation published in Kenya.


Saturday, May 01, 2010

Daily Nation Complex Crossword Of Saturday, May 01, 2010.Solution 18.
By Edwin Korir. Eldoret, Kenya.

A typical friday puzzle.


4a Recording chap changing gear (8) COVERAGE
Combine COVE (chap) with an anagram, indicated by changing, of GEAR to define recording.

8a River rose perhaps (6) FLOWER
A double definition.

9a Purist interminably struggling in middle of night during rebellion (8) UPRISING
An anagram (struggling) of most (interminably) of PURIS(T) is followed by IN and G (middle of niGht) to get a word meaning rebellion.

10a Soundly interrogate Heather, collaborator (8) QUISLING
Combine QUIS (sounds like quiz / soundly interrogate) with LING (heather without the capital letter) to get collaborator.

11a Abnormal interest not in the way (6) STREET
An anagram (abnormal) of (IN)TEREST without the first two letters (not IN) gives the way.

12a Some outline area starting in Asia (4,4) NEAR EAST
Hidden inside (some) outliNE AREA STarting is a part of Asia

13a I am at Alabama port stationary (8) IMMOBILE
Combine I’M (I am) with MOBILE a port in Alabama to get a word meaning stationary.

16a Jo back to replace foot and knee covering (8) JACKBOOT
An anagram (replace) of JO BACK TO gives an item of footwear that covers the foot and the knee

19a Not easy to remove middle part of rubble (4-4) HARD-CORE
a charade of HARD "not easy" and CORE "to remove middle part" gives a name for some rubble

21a Kay is satisfied with fate (6)
A word sum of K (Kay) , IS , MET (satisfied) defines fate

23a Support with evidence record in detail (8) DOCUMENT
A double definition.

24a New situation in Rugby perhaps (4,4) BALL GAME
A double definition.

25a Fatter storeroom? (6) LARDER
A double definition

26a Where rep stood out? (8) DOORSTEP
A cryptic definition.


1d Book in French — ‘L’Oeuf Blanc’ (7) ALBUMEN
A word sum of ALBUM(book) and EN(in- in french)

2d Astonished by pronounced success of prospector (9) AWESTRUCK
A homophone(pronounced) of ORESTRUCK(sucess of prospector) to define astonished.

3d Endlessly racing round a plant (6) ARNICA
An anagram (round) of RACIN(G) without its final letter (endlessly) together with A gives a plant.

4d Batsman who is all at sea might be (6,2,3,4) CAUGHT IN THE DEEP
A cryptic double definition.

5d Verse may be translated exactly as before (4,4) VERY SAME
An anagram (translated) of VERSE MAY gives a phrase that loosely means exactly (the same) as before

6d One going up found on the stairs (5) RISER
A double definition

7d Affectedly stylish fellow takes fish (7) GENTEEL
A charade of GENT a fellow and EEL a fish

14d Shooting case? (3,6) BOX CAMERA
A cryptic definition.

15d (A)bridge (8) CONTRACT
A double definition.

17d In an excited way when dealing with notes (7) AGITATO
A cryptic definition.

18d Medal had finally darkened in the sun (7) BRONZED
BRONZE A medal with D in the end.

20d Remember to visit again (6) RECALL
A double definition

22d Man caught short going over river is middle-distance runner (5) MILER
A charade of MILE(s) without S(caught short) then R(iver) gives a middle distance runner.

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