This blog attempts to solve complex (cryptic) crosswords in the Daily Nation and Saturday Nation published in Kenya.


Thursday, April 29, 2010

Daily Nation Complex Crossword Of Thursday, April 29, 2010.Solution 16.
By Edwin Korir. Eldoret, Kenya.

A fairly enjoyable puzzle with some hard clues.


1. Sweet-talk school governors demonstrating teaching aid (12) FLANNELBOARD
Counstructed from FLANNEL(sweet-talk) and BOARD(govenors) to define a teaching aid.

9. Elected soldier behind closed doors (2,7) IN PRIVATE
A charade of IN(elected) and PRIVATE(soldier) to define behind closed doors.

10. High-pitched signal that makes bishop jump, reportedly (5) BLEEP
Another charade of B(bishop in chess) and LEEP a homophone(reportedly) of jump(leap).

11. Daughter, one receiving unexpected help in ancient city (6) DELPHI
A mixed clue of D(daughter), I(one) inside an anagram of HELP to define an ancient city.

12. Make clear when one has short period abroad (5,3) SPELL OUT
Another charade this time of SPELL(short period) and OUT(abroad).

13. Bar or car? (6) SALOON
Double definition.

15. One identifies transmitter by name – Leo, perhaps (4,4) CALL SIGN
A charade of CALL (name) SIGN and Leo as part of the zodiac to define one identifies by transmitter.

18. Special firm used in Scottish town (8) DUMFRIES
An anagram (special) of FIRM and USED to define a scottish town.

19. A horse exercised on the beach (6) ASHORE
Another anagram (exercised) of A HORSE.

21. Brigade’s leader, close to guy shot accidentally (2,6) BY CHANCE
A charade of B(brigade leader),(gu)Y and CHANCE(shot as in go) to define accidentally.

23. Cunning vixen died (6) SHREWD
A word sum of SHREW(vixen) and D(ied).

26. Miserable time for returning flock (5) TROOP
A simple reversal(returned) of POOR(miserable)and T(ime) defines flock as a verb.

27. Great work of art, seldom seen abroad (3,6) OLD MASTER
An anagram (seen aborad) of ART and SELDOM is a great work of art.

28. It’s good for the petrol station, say, as daring step works (7,5) PASSING TRADE
Another anagram (works) this time of AS DARING STEP for a phrase that is used to describe customers who go into a shop when they go by it, rather than being regular customers.


1. Party in charity bazaar’s giving out equal shares for all (4,3) FAIR DOS charade of DO(party) inside(in) FAIRS to define equal shares for all.

2. Horrify a European after revolution (5) APPAL
A charade of A and LAPPA revesed(revolution) to define horrify.

3. Happy hour binge in one next door (9) NEIGHBOUR
An anagram (happy) of HOUR and BINGE, for the person who lives next door to you.

4. Star clue (4) LEAD
Double definition, the player of a chief role and something a detective might follow.

5. Like some offices in unoccupied factory? Not entirely (4-4) OPEN-PLAN
A somehow confusing or confused clue meaning like some offices. It is counstructed from OPEN(unocupied) ad PLANT(factory) missing T( not entirely).

6. Dissident ordered beer, litres (5) REBEL
An anagram (ordered) of BEER and L (litres).

7. Ignore flying doctor in the guise of Apache leader (8) GERONIMO
An anagram (flying) of IGNORE followed by MO an abbreviation for a doctor was the Apache leader who became famous for his fight against the Mexican and United States armies.

8. Boy bagging trophy is very accurate (4-2) SPOT-ON
A charade of SON (boy) around (bagging) POT (trophy).

14. Check on work after meek and mild type makes something to eat (4,4) LAMB CHOP
A word sum of CH (check – chess) on OP (work) is placed after LAMB another word for a sweet, mild-mannered person, the definition being something to eat.

16. Fail to get most important part and become discouraged (4,5) LOSE HEART
A word sum of LOSE(fail to get) and HEART(most important part).

17. Radical annoyed humanitarian organisation (3,5) RED CROSS
cant see how this works

18. Talk about girl coming out at beginning of Easter (6) DEBATE
A charade of DEB(girl coming out) AT and E(aster) defines talk about.

20. Advocate has degree in English Language? (7) ENDORSE
A charade of D(egree) in E(nglish) and NORSE(language)

22. Greek character, the brightest star? (5) ALPHA
Double definition.

24. More carried by Wessex Trains (5) EXTRA
A hidden clue in the words WessEX TRAins.

25. Former PM, first to enter study (4) EDEN
A fomer British prime minister is counstructed fom E(first to enter) and DEN(study).

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