Daily Nation Complex Crossword Of Tuesday, May 04, 2010.Solution 20.
By Edwin Korir. Eldoret, Kenya.
A charade galore that now seems to be the norm on Tuesday.

The answer to 10a.
Across Clues
1a Reckless fling? (11) PRECIPITATE
A double definition of an adjective meaning reckless and a verb meaning to hurl or fling something.
10a Cat’s lunge lacking power (5) OUNCE
Start with POUNCE (lunge) and remove P(lacking power) to get a snow leopard. A new word to me.
11a Ace group with single many find dissolute (9) ABANDONED
A word meaning dissolute is structured from A(ce), BAND(group), ONE(single) and D(many-roman D meaning 500).
12a Learned about Catholic anger for heresy (9) SACRILEGE
Counstucted from SAGE(learned) with C(catholic) and RILE(anger) inside(about) to define heresy.
13a Muscular geezer embracing broad (5) LARGE
A hidden answer in muscuLAR GEezer to define broad.
14a Start of December’s more glacial and dangerous (6) DICIER
A charade of D(start of december i.e first letter of december) and ICIER(more glacial) to get a word meaning danhgerous.
16a Entire US turning greedy (8 ) ESURIENT
An anagram (turning) of ENTIRE US provides an adjective meaning greedy.
18a They have piles of energy! (8 ) REACTORS
A cryptic definition of structures in a nuclear power station.
20a Potential human enemy, America holding terrorist leader (6) FOETUS
A slightly complex charade in counstruction but easy in figuring out the charade parts. Enemy is FOE, America is US and T(terrorist leader) to define potential human.
23a Scientist is least bothered (5) TESLA
An anagram (bothered) of LEAST gives us the Serbian scientist who the SI unit is named after.
24a Trick is, call girls back with a diamond? (9) STRATAGEM
A charade of TARTS(call girls) reversed(back), A and GEM(precious stones) to define a trick.
26a Composer frequently sounds like another (9) OFFENBACH
Another charade of OFFEN a homophone of OFTEN(frequently) and BACH a German composer to give another French composer.
27a Ashes holder following second miss (5) MOURN
Another charade of MO(second-time) and URN(ashes holder) defines miss.
28a Somebody from Interpol, say (11) PERSONALITY
An anagram of INTERPOL SAY.
Down Clues
2d Regarding unusual Northern Italic characters initially (5) RUNIC
&lit clue in which the initial letters spell the answer.
3d Rift in Church concerning sin (7) CREVICE
A charade of C(hurch), RE(concerning) and VICE(sin) defines a rift.
4d Removes excess wood from trees (6) PLANES
A double definition of a verb meaning shaves off wood and types of tree.
5d Ends of tether, hostile and cross (8 ) TRAVERSE
A charade of TR(ends of tether) and AVERSE(hostile).
6d A little bleak? (7) TIDDLER
Cryptic clue.
7d Mislead party on allowance payment (13) CONSIDERATION
A charade of CON(mislead), SIDE(party-in a dispute, say), and RATION(allowance) defines paymet.
8d Most passionate redhead that’s in distress (8 ) ANGRIEST
A charade of R(red head) and IE(that's) inside ANGST(distress).
9d TV set remained off for commercial (13) ADVERTISEMENT
An anagram (off) of TV SET REMAINED.
15d Keep secret from neurotic lass, if yelling (8 ) CLASSIFY
A hidden clue in neurotiC LASS IF Yelling.
17d Very French, run following invasion! (8 ) TRESPASS
A word sum of TRE(very in french) and PASS(run like water) defines invasion.
19d Radio broadcasting inane and empty rot (7) TRANNIE
An anagram (broadcasting) of INANE and R(o)T (empty, i.e. just the outer letters) give us radio.
21d Best pal I’m to do over (7) OPTIMAL
An anagram (do over) of PAL I’M TO means best.
22d Punk, rockin’ and rollin’, losing head (6) URCHIN
A deletion of last lettes fom LURCHING (rocking and rolling) defines a punk.
25d Noise from little pig under pig’s tail (5) GRUNT
A charade of RUNT(little pig) after(under) G(pig's tail) to define noise.
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